Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 7.djvu/60

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j6 C. i6. Anno vicefimo Georgi 1 II. A.D. 1747. DMtlesupcn For and upon cvcry Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafh wirh four Wheels, Chaife Marine, Chaife Coache; and with four Wheels, and Caravan, or by what Name focver fuch Carriages now are, or hereafter may be cal- othcr arnsgcs, j^j or known, that fhall be kept by or for any Perfon, for his oi her own Ufe, or to be lett out to Hire (other than and except fuch Coaches and other Carriages, as now are, or hereafter may be, licenfed by the CommiiTioners for the Duties arifing by Hackney Coaches) the yearly Sum of four Pounds for every fuch Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafli with four Wheels, Chaife iVlarine, Chaife with four Wheels, and Caravan, or by what Name foever fuch Carriages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, fo to be kept as aforefaid. And for and upon every Calafti, Chaife and Chair, with two Wheels, or by what Name foever fuch Car- riages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, to be drawn by one or more Horfes, that (hall be kept by or for any Perfon or Perfons, for his, her or their own Ufe, or to be lett out to Hire, the yearly Sum of forty Shillings for every Calafh, Chaife or Chair with two Wheels, fo to be kept as aforefaid. Which faid feveral and refpeftive Rates and Duties for and upon every fuch Coach, Beilin, Landau, Cha- riot, Calafli, Chaife Marine, Chaife, Chair and Caravan, or by vi'hat Name foever fuch Carriages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, fhall be paid by the Perfon or Perfons who keep the fame. Nu Perfon to pjy JJ. Provided neverthelefs. That no Perfon ftiall be obliged to pay the faid yearly Sum of four Pounds /oi more than f^^ more than five fuch Carriages on which the faid Duty of four Pounds a Year is hereby charged, to be exmotlheyXe ^^^Pl^ ^V ° ^°^ ^'"^ ° her, for his or her own Ufe only ; neverthelefs it is the true Intent and Aleaning of kept for Hire, this Adl, that all Perfons who {hall keep the fame for fupplying any Waiting Jobb, by the Day, Week, Month, Qiiarter, or any other Time, or otherv/ife to be lett out to Hire, fhall pay the faid yearly Sum of four Pounds for every fuch Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafh with four Wheels, Chaife Rlarine, and Chaife with four Wheels, or by what Name foever fuch Carriages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, fo to be kept by him, her or them, to be lett out for Hire, as aforefaid, though exceeding the Number of five; and that every Perfon, who fhall keep any Calafh, Chaife or Chair with two W^heels, or by what Name foever fuch Carriages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, to be drawn by one or more Horfes, to be lett out for Hire, fhall pay the faid yearly Sum of forty Shillings for every Calafli, Chaife or Chair fo to be kept by him or her, to be lett out for Hire, as aforefaid, though exceeding the Number of five. in. And for the better afcertaining, charging, levying and fecuring the feveral Duties by this Aft impofed. Duties upon and for preventing all Frauds concerning the fame ; Be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That Co.iches, &c. iiQi of the faid Duties by this A& granted, as are or fhall be chargeable upon fuch Coaches, Berlins, Lan- EnAfna to'be aus, Chariots, Calalhes, Chaife Marines, Chaifes, Chairs and Caravans, or by what Names foever fuch ii'ncfei- the Ma- Carriages now are, or hereafter may be called or known, that fhall be kept by or for any Perfons for his, nagement of the her or their own Ufe, or to be lett out to hire in EngLmd, Wales, ov the Town oi Berwick wponTiVfrd, Officers of Ext fhall be under the Management of the Commiflioners and Officers of the Excife in England for the Time be-

  • ^^'" ^"s'and ; jj^g . gj^j ^^^^ ^f jj^g (-^jj Duties as are impofed by this Adl upon fuch Coaches, Berlins, Landaus, Chariots,

ScotfandVmier Calafhes, Chaife Marines, Chaifes and Chairs, or by what Names foever fuch Carriages now are, or here- iike Officers after may be called or known, that fhall be kept by or for any Perfons for his, her or their Ufe, or to be there. lett out to Hire in Scotland, fhall be under the Management of the Commiflioners and Officers of the Ex- CommifTioners cife in Scotland for the Time being, who are hereby refpeiftively impowered to appoint proper Officers for 70 npp-jint Of- charging, collecting and receiving the fame ; and all Adonies arifing by the faid Duties (the neceflary Charges ficcrs ^°^'^^ of raifing and accounting for the fame excepted) Ihall, from time to time, be paid into the Receipt of his jL^mg L Majcfly's Exchequer at TVeftmhiJler, diftinftly and apart from all other Branches of the Publick Revenues, for the Purpofes herein after mentioned. Perfons kf cuing •IV. And it is hereby enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That all and every Perfon and Perfons, who from Coaches, &c. to and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thouiand feven hundred and forty-fex'en, fliall have or

  • i^%^!,-'^'^ 'f ■'"P "y Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafli, Chafe Marine, Chaife, Chair or Caraviui, or by what

i ° ~"^ ' Name foever fuch Carriage now is or hereafter may be called or known, for his, her or their own Vc, or the Ufe of any Perfon of or for whom he, flie or they is, are or fhall be Committees, Truftees orGiKir- dians, or to lett out to hire in London, Wejlmhijlcr, or in any Pjrts within the Limits of the Weekly Bills of Mortality, fhall, within thirty Days after the laid twenty-fifth Day of Aiarch one thoufand feven Imndred and forty-feven, or within twenty Days after he or Ihe fliall begin to keep fuch Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafh, Chaife Marine, Chaife, Chair or Caravan, or by what Name foever fuch Car- riage now is, or hereafter may be called or known, give Notice in TVriting at the Chief Office of Excife in London; and all and every Perfon and Perfons, who from and after the faid twenty-fifth Day of Aiarch one thoufand feven hundred and forty-feven, fliall keep any Coach, Berlin, Landau, Chariot, Calafh, Chaife Marine, Chaife, Chair or Caravan, or by what Name foever fuch Carriage now is, or hereafter niny be cal- led or known, for his or her own Ufe, or for the LTfe of any Perfon of or for whom he. flieor they fli.ill be Committees, Truftees or Guardians, or to lett out to Hire in any other Part of Great Britain, fliall, within fixty Days after the faid twenty-fifth Day of March one thouiand feven hundred and forty-feven, or within twenty Days after he, flie or they fhall begin to keep fuch Carriage, and from time to time within twenty Days after beginning to keep any other fuch Carriages refpeftively, not being in the Place of the former, give Notice in Writing at the Office of Excife, next to the Place where fuch Perfon or Perfons, for whofe Ufe the fame flial! be fo kept, fliall refpe£bively inhabit, of his, her or their keeping the fame, and of the Number of the Coaches, Berlins, Landatis, Chariots, Calaflies with four Vheels, Chaife Marines, Chaifes or Chairs with four Wheels, or Caravans and Calafhes, Chaifes and Chairs with two Wheels, or by what Name foever fuch Carriages now are, or hereafter may he called or known, fo by him, her or them ielpe<5tively kept as aforeiaid, and of the Parifli or Place where he or fhe refpedi ely relido-, and fliall at the