Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/113

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A. D. 1762. Anno tertio Georgii III. C. 25. 63 the fame Memorial in all Courts of Record whatfoever ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithftanding. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Clerk of the Peace of Officer or Deputy to at. every County, Riding or Divi'fion, and the Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer "i nd > U P°" s"^ f na ^ le as aforefaid, of every fuch City or Town, or their Deputies, fhall, upon reafonable Notice, at- w °/h"he"Books of Erf- tend at any fuch Election with the Book or Books of Entries of every fuch Certificate and Me- tr j es at any fuch liteo nioiial, at the Requeft of any Candidate or Candidates ; he or they making him reafonable Satif- tion. faction for fuch Attendance. VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Clerk of the Peace, Officer guiHy of any Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, fhall be guilty of any wilful Neglect, Mifdemeanor, or Neglect or MMdemianor, fraudulent Practice, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, every fuch Clerk of the foi,eits IC3 '- Peace, Town Clerk, or other Officer as aforefaid, fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit one hun- dred Pounds to the Perfon who fhall fue for the fame, by Action of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Informa- tion, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at JVefiminfter, wherein no Effoin, Protection, Wa- ger of Law or more than one Imparlance {hall be allowed. IX. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted and declared by the Authority afore- Limitation of Profecu- faid, That no Perfon fhall be liable to any Forfeiture or Penalty by this Act laid or impofed, tioos. unlefs Profecution be commenced within twelve Months after fuch Forfeiture or Penalty fhall be incurred. CAP. XXV. An Act to continue and amend two Acts made in the the twenty-firft and twenty- eighth Years of his late Majefty's Reign, for encouraging the making of Indico in the Britijh Plantations in America ; and for extending the Provifions of an Act of the thirtieth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, with refpect to bringing Prize Goods into this Kingdom, to Spani/h Prize Goods taken fince the late Declaration of War with Spain. ' TTTHEREAS the Law for encouraging the making of Indico in the Britijh Plantations Preamble. ' in America has been found to be very ufeful and beneficial to the Publick, and is fo ' near expiring, that it is fit it fhould be continued ;' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Ex- cellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Com- mons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by the Authority of the fame, That an Art made in the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King George the Second, intituled, An Tbe Act of 21 Ge °- »• Ail for encouraging the making of Indico in the Britifti Plantations in America, which was to con- £. 3 °' r f la,ln s "> Bntiffi tinue in Force for feven Years, from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand (even hun- dico^wWcVwas* ""■ dred and forty-nine, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament; and nued by which, by another Aft of the twenty-eighth Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, is further an Act of 28 Geo. 2, continued, from the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fifty-fix until c - Z S- the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and fixty-three, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament ; fhall be, and the fame is hereby, fur- is further continued to ther continued, from the Expiration thereof until the twenty-fifth Day of March, one thou- 25 March 1770, &c. fand feven hundred and feventy, and from thence to the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament. II. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after After Expiration of the the Time limited by the faid Act of the twenty-eighth Year of his late Majefty's Reign, no Term limited by the more than four Pence on the Pound Weight fhall be paid and allowed as a Bounty on Indico ^ ct of2SGeo - a - a imported from his Majefty's Colonies, under the Regulations and Reftrictions mentioned in the faid lb^o'bedLvred d ' P< m Act of the twenty-firft Year of the Reign of King George the Second ; and that no Part of fuch indico imported*"' the faid Bounty of four Pence on the Pound Weight fhall be repaid upon the Exportation of under the Regulations of fuch Indico. the An of 2) Gc »- 2. No Part of the Eounty to III. Provided alfo, and be it enaaed, That in Cafe any Doubt or Difpute fhall arife between oVubtf wSfT^"' the Surveyors or Officers of the Cuftoms, and the Owners or Importers of Indico imported into the Quajltv o/die^nd'" any of the Out Ports of Great Britain, as to the Quality of the fame, it fhall and may be claiming the Bounty, in lawful for the Collector of his Majefty's Cuftoms in any fuch Out Port, to call two or more Dyers, an y of 'lie Out Po.ts, to Dry S alters, Brokers or others, well fkilled in that Commodity, who fhall declare upon Oath, £ e determined by two if required, their Opinion as to the Quality of the fame, and, according to the beft of their Comrnodh'!'^ '" ' he Judgment, determine whether the faid Indico is or is not intitled to the Premium granted by ' ) the above recited Act. IV. Provided neverthelefs, That if a competent Number of Perfon s well fkilled in that Com- but if a competent Mum- modity, to be approved of by the Collector of the Cuftoms in any Out Port where Indico is ber of fuch Peribns can- imported, cannot be found in fuch Out Port, then, and in fuch Cafe only, where any Doubt not be found there, or