Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/380

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it. Jurymen to have io I. per Ann. CSV. 4 Eif 5 IV. & M. c. 24. § 15. In Wales 61. ibid. 36. Jfl'ues on Jurymen mail be duly eftreated, 4 Eff 5 W. E^ M. c.14.. § 15. 3 -. Penalty on the Sheriff' not fummoning Jurors fix Days before, or excufing any for Reward, 4^5 W. bf M. c. 24. § 16. 38. Pcrfons having 5 /. per Ann. may be returned upon the Tales, ESt. 4^5 W.i3~ M. c, 24. § 18. 39. No Fee mall be taken on Return of a Tales, 4 bf 5 W. Eff Af. r. 24. § 20. 40. The Writ rfi non ponendo in Ajffis not to be granted but upon Oath, 4 fcf 5 J/^. i5f M. <r. 24. $ 21. 41. After a AWr<? returned, if the Caufe is not tried, a new Ve- nire may be fued out, 7 6f 8 W. 3. < 32. 42. TheTales to be of Jurymen returned on other Panels, 7 Eif 8 W. 3. c. 32. § 3. 43. The Conltables fhall return to the Quarter- Seflions Lifts of fuflicient Jurors, 7 Ejf 8 Z/ 7 '. 3. r. 32. § 4. .8^9 /^. 3. c 10. 3 y 4 -Aj^. c. 18. § 5. 3 Gfo. 2. r. 25. 44. Jurors to be furnmoned perfonally, or the Warrant to be left at their Houfes, 7^8//'. 3. c. 32. § 5. 45. The Inhabitants of Wejhninjler exempted from ferving at Seflions of Peace at Middlejix, j & 8 IV. 3. c. 32. § 9. 46. Juftices to i flli e Precepts to Conltables to make Returns of Jurymen, 8 W. 3. c. 10. 47. Freeholders of the yearly Value of 150 /. not to ferve at the Seflions in York/hire, 1 Ann. ft. 2. c. 13. § 3. 48. Penalty on the Sheriff of York for not keeping Books of the Jurors ferving at the Seflions, or returning the fame Perfon twice within four Years, 3^4 Ann. c. 18. § 3 E5" 4. Not to ex- cnfe from ferving at the Affizes, 10 Ann. c. 14. § 6. 49. Lifts to be made from the Parifh Rates, and fixed on the Church Door, 3 Gee. 2. c. 25. Made perpetual," 6 G.o. 2. c. 37. 50. Duplicates of Lifts to be returned by Clerks of the Peace, 3 Geo, z. c. 25. § 2. 51. Penalty on Sheriffs returning Perfons not in the Lifts, and on Clerk of Aflize falfelv recording appearances, %Geo.z. c. 25. §3- 5:. Sheriff to regifter the Names of Jurors, 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. ■ § ' ;. 53.. Penalty of taking Money to excufe Perfons from ferving, 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 6. 54. Sheriff to annex a Pannel to the Venire, 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 8. 59. Returns of Jurors in Wales, 3 Geo, 2. c. 25. § g. 56. Jurors to be drawn by Ballot, 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 11.. 57. special Juries may be ordered, 3 Geo. 2. c. 25. § 15. Ex- tended to the Counties Palatine, 6 Geo. 2. c. 37. § 2. 58. Where a View is allowed, how to be made, 3 Geo. 2. e. 25. § H- 59. Jurors in London to be Freeholders and wcrth 100/. 3 G&?. 2. f. 2;. § 19. 60. Qualifications of Jurors in capital Cafes, 3 Geo. 2. e. 25. § 20. 61. Jurors liable to ierve again in Middle/ex after two Terms, 4 G(o : _ 2. c. 7. 62. Leaseholders of 50 /. per Ann. qualified, 4 Geo. 2. c. 7. § 3. 6$. What Cofts fhall be paid for praying a Special Jury, 24GVC. 2. ? . 18. 64. Fees allowed to Jurymen, 24. Geo, 2. c. i8~§ 2. 65. No Challenge to the Array for want of a Knight, 24 Geo, 2. c . 1 8 .' § 4: -' "- ' 66. Perfons furnmoned on Juries in Courts of Record in Cities, Corporations and Franchises, and not attending, may be fined, 2Q Geo. 2. c. 19. For other Matters, feWantmiM . 3P&fe2l. HHttailtt 9, 11, 15, 17. UBailit! 21. Challenge, Conftable 10. Counties palatine 10. Cuftoms 49. Cfcheatojs 8. JFoj«a».'29. 31noigments 2. juftices of SKfife 7. iUncatter 3- liberties 3. SSjjtatfljalfea 2. ^ioMefejc .3,3,5,6. jpi'ttpjius 10, 11., ev. ftyEdCUHW z, fcff. 3!ufticeg oe affifev Stiffs, a>ot»t!;toatfe 1. Tales, Crtal i6,E3V. Cum 6. elates. 3!ttvf0 (Httum. 1. Granted between one Church and another, St.Weftm.z. 13 Ed. 1. f, 24. 2. Granted to Vicars, EaV. 14 Ed. $.ft. 1. r. 17. 3!ti0 patronntiwf* Not within the Statute of Limitations, 1 M.fef, 2, c. 5. Suffice. 1. Juftice and Right fhall not be fold, denied or delayed, M. C, 9 H. 3. r, 29. 2. Right fhall be done to all without Refpeft, St. Weftm. i„ 3 £</. 1 . r . 1 . 3. Shall not be delayed for any Command under the Great Seal, 13c. zEd.^.c.8. Ed. l-ft. . c.. R,Z.c.o. For other Matter, fee liberties. 3ufffce$ of mSz* 1. Two Juftices fworn to take Aflifes, EsV. three times a Year, 13 Ed. 1. c. 30. 2. Juftices of Affife, if Laymen, fhall deliver the Gaols, 27 Ed. i.yr.i. c. 3. 3. Juftices of Aflife to be appointed to the feveral Circuits, St. dejuftic. aftign, ineerti temp, 1 Vol. 188. 4 Ed. 3. c. 2. 4. Affiles, &c. fhall be taken before the Juftices commonly af* figned, 2 £V. 3. c. 2. 5. Shall make their Circuits thrice in the Year, 4 Ed, 3. c. 2, 6. Shall inquire of Maintainers, Confpirators and Champertors,' and may adjourn their Proceedings into the Court where the/ are Juftices, 4 Ed. 3. c. n. 7. Shall have Commiffion to inquire of Mifdemeanors of Of- ficers, Maintainers, Jurors, Effc 2 Ed. 3. e. 5. 20 Ed. 3. r. 6. 8. Juftices of Oyer and Terminer, Gaol Delivery and Affife fhaU be fworn, 20 Ed. 3. c. 3. 9. Shall hold their Seflions in the County-Towns, 6 R. 2. e. j. 10. No Man of the Law fhall be Juftice of Affife or Gaol De- livery in his own Country, 8 R. 2. c. 2. 13 H. 4. c. 2. 33 H. 8. c . 24. May aft in the Gaol Delivery, 1 2 G?o. 2. c. 27. 1 1. The Chief Juftice of the Common Pleas fhall be appointed among the Judges of Affife, 8 R. 2. c. 2. 13 H. 4.. c. 2. 12. Shall hold their Seflions where the Chancellor, with the Ad«  vice of the Juftices thall appoint, 11 R. 2. c. 1 1. 13. Shall not permit others to fit on the Bench with them, 20 R-. 2. c. 3. 14. May try Indidments for counterfeiting Money, EsV. 3//. 5. 15. Shall hold their Seflions for Cumberland at Carlfte, 14//. 6. c. 3. 16. Can be made by none but the King, 27 H. 8, c. 24.. § z. 17. They fhall be attended by the Bailiffs, Est. 27 H. 8. c. 24. § 7- '..■'. 18. They fnall proclaim the Statutes againft Maintenance, 3 z H. 8. c. 9. § 5. 19. The Statute 33 H. 8. r. 24. that none fhall be Juftice of Affife in his own Country, not to extend to Lancafter, 33 H. 8. c, 24. §7. 20. Juftices of Affife how to take Affidavits in their Circuit, 29 Car. 2. e. 5. 21. May hold the Aflifes for Cornwall at other Places befides Laimcrfton, I Geo. I. c. 45. 22. Summer Aflifes to be held at Buckingham, 21 G20. 2. <-. 12. For other Matters, fee fffiiXHfoit 2. Affile, Attaints 2. ■315ail 14. Commiffions 1. IDifcoutmuancc of #jo= cefs 1. jFces, Jluvi'cs 2. $)onet» 2 7- ^P^ r ano ^ a - tntner, Kecoj&s 1. 3!uttice&