Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/413

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pap* ana ®amc& peatu'nrj#; Poo?. plapjs anti Gameg.' 1. Certain importune Games prohibited to Servants and Labour- ers, iz R. z. ft 6. ii a 4. f. 4: u #. 7. ft 2. 19 #. 7. c. 12. 2. Unlawful Games generally prohibited, 1 7 £</. 4. f . 3. 3 H. 8. c. 3. 27 #. 8. r. 25. 33 #.8. ft 9. 3. Licences for keeping unlawful Games fliafl be void, 2 fcf 3 i>. tf M. c. 9. 4. Common Players, unlefs authorized, to be deemed Rogues, 39 El. c. 4. 5. Penalty on profanely ufing the Name of God, tiff, in a Play, 3 Ja. 1. ft 21. 6. No Plays to be on the Lord's Day, 1 Car. 1. c. k 7; Penalties on deceitful Gaming, 16 C*r. 2. c. 7. 9 ./&». c. 14. 8. They that lefe- above 100/. not bound to make it good, 16 Car. 2. ft 7. § 3. 9. Securities for Money won at Play, void, 9 jf»». c. 14. 10. Perfons obliged to anfwer Bill on Oath for Difcovery of Mo- ney won at Play, g Ann. r. 14. § 3. 11. Juftices may take Recognifance of Perfons ufing unlawful Games, on the Evidence of Witneffes, 2 Geo. z. c. 28. § 9. 12. New Plays not to be a&ed without Licence, 10 Geo. 2. ft 28. 13. Plays not to be afted but in Weftmiffter, tiff. 10 Geo. 2. f. 28. § ft. 14. New Games with Cards and Dice prohibited, 12 Geo. 2. ft 28. §2. 15. Paffageand other Games prohibited, 13 Geo. 2. e. 19. § 9. 16. Rolypoly and other Games prohibited, 18 Geo, 2. ft 34. 17. Enforcement of the Penalties againft Gaming, 1$ Geo. 2. c - 34- 1 8. Relief in Equity for Money won contrary to 9 Ann. c. 14. 18 Geo. z. c. 34. § 3. 19. Who may be Witneffes, 18 Geo. 2. ft 34. § ;. 20. Perfons profecuted not allowed Privilege of Parliament, 1 8 Geo. 2. ft 34. § 7. 21. Houfes and Gardens of Entertainment, not to be kept with- out Licence, 25 Geo. 2. ft 36. § 2. Z2. Penalty on Publicans permitting Journeymen to game in their Houfes, 30 Geo. 2. ft 24. § 14. For other Matters, fee USionS fDopular, TBatt^VUpt 29. Certiorari 41. Sfojfes 15, 16, &c. Uagrants, WnU ietuties 19. ipieaointy^ 1. Deceit in Pleading puniflied, St. Wtftm. 1. 3 Ed. 1. e. 29. 2. Shall be in Engli/h and inrolled in Latin, 36 Ed. 3. ft. I. c. 15. 3. Defendants permitted to plead feveral Matters, 4 Ann. c. 16. h 4- 4. Dilatory Pleas not to be received without Affidavit, &c. 4 Ann. f. 16. § 1 1. 5. In Aftions en Judgments, Bonds, tiff. Payment maybe plead- ed, i^Ann. ft 16.^12. 6. Officers of the Navy ancfvArmy may plead the General Iffue, tifr. 10 Ann. c. io- § 61. 7. All Pleadings to be entered in EngHJb, Geo. 2. ft 26. Ex- tended to Wales, tfft 6 Geo. z. ft 14. § 3. 8. Abbreviations and Technical Terms may be ufed, 6 Geo. 2. '* For other fatten, fee Abatement, aimenmnent, %Mi 9, tiff, attaint 12. 1l5eau--i)lcaoer, 3Debt, tiff. 8. 5Debt to the &ing 9, tiff. CccUGaftical Courts, tiff. 3 2 - :ff" JFarm IRents 7. (Eencral 3luuc, jeofails, 3ltn>i&= merit, information, ^anfcamus, patents 7. £2lales, peog of tlje Ctottm, Shall not be held by Sheriffs, Efcheators, Coroners, tiff. M. C. 9 tf. 3. c. 17. peogeg. 1 . Pledges in Statute Merchant mall be anfwerable, if the Prin cipal be fufficient, St. de Mercator. u Ed. I. 2. Poor Plaintiffs not to find Pledges, 5ft Wall, iz Ed. 1. in Appendix ; but to give Caution perfidem, ibid. 3. Pledges may be bound as principal Debtors, St. de Mercator. 13 Ed. 1. ft. 3. 4. Fines to be taken in the Prefence of Pledges, 38 EJ. 3.JI. t. ft 3. For other Matters, fee JDebtto tlje Uittg 1. j&eeojjn^antc, l&epietrin. Plttt&ttp* See Advowfon. f&Ioug&LaftH. What to be deemed fo, 7 tif 8 JP". 3. ft 29. § 5. punftet (3!oIjn.) Pains and Penalties how inflifted upon him, 9 Gfo. 1. ft 15. Pluralities* I; Of Ecdefiaftical Livings prohibited, 21 i/. 8. f. 13. 2. The Univerfities not to prefent beneficed Clerks to a Recu- fant's Living, 1 W. tif M. c. 26. § 5. For other Matters, fee HgiftjOpS, CbflplainS, Cccleftnfjical. Courts, tiff. IRefitence, Plpmoutfj. Power given to bring the River Water to the Town, 27 El. e. 20. For other Matters, fee JFOjtifiCationS 3, Eiff. $?iirbOUrS, pofnt 01 CuMHHoife. 1 . Foreign Point, or Cut- Work, not to be fold in England, or exported or imported, 13^14 Car. 2. ft 13, 2. Englijh Point, or Cut- Work, may be exported Duty free f 1 1 13 12 W. 3. c. 3. § 15. poifon* See Poyfon. Poles- Cutting or fpoiling them how puniflied, 43 El. c. 7. policies Of anftiraitce. See Infurance, IpOllljami?. See Bigamy. POtlUg- See Fim J Game, Parks, Trefpafs. $oole. Mayor, tiff, of the Town of Poole, may ere£t Windmills on the> King's Wafte, 34 ti? 35 fl. S. ft 25. ^ IPO.010. Cutting their Dams, what to forfeit, 37 H. 9. c. ( § 4. Poo?. Shall not find Pledges, St. rial.'. 12 Ed. i. in Appendix. Shall have an Attaint without Fine, 34 Ed. 3. ft 7. None (hall give Alms to a Beggar able to work, 23 Ed. 3 Poor Perfons that are impotent, (hall abide ir. the fame Town, or in the next within the Hundred that is able to maintain them, 12 ii. 2. f. 7. . R 2 5- f "'