Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 9.djvu/618

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labour, and from idlenesse or otherwise, till they may bee conveyed over; and then at the costs of the inhabitaunts of the sayd Port, 10 bee conveyed over into their countries.

"XIV. And forasmuch as there is many maimed and otherwise lamed, fore, aged, and impotent persons, which resort to the City of London, and to other cities, towries, and villages, on begging, which comming together and making a number, doe fill the streets or highwaies of divers cities, townes, markets and faires; who, if they were separated might easily bee nourished in the towne and places wherein they were borne, or where they were, or have beene mod conversant and abiding, by the space of three yeeres." Be it therefore enacted by the authoritie aforesaide, that all and Angular Maiors, Shirifs, Bailifs, Constables, or other head officers of any citie, towne, or hundred, to which such resort is or shall be, shall before the feast of the Purification of our Lady next following, see all such idle, impotent, maimed, and aged persons, who otherwise cannot by their discretions bee taken for vagabonds, which were borne within the said citie, towne, or hundred, or have beene there most, conversant and abiding, by the space of three yeeres, as is aforesayde, and now decayed, bellowed and provided for of tenantries, cotages, or other convenient houses to bee lodged in, at the costs and charges of the sayde cities, townes, boroughs, and villages, there to be relieved and cured by the decotion of the good people of the sayde citie, borough, towne, or village. And that they doe not suffer after the time before rehearsed, any other then such as either were borne, or have beene for the most part conversant or abiding, by the space aforesaide, in the saide citie, borough, village, or towne, to remaine and beg abroad within the precincts of such cities, townes, villages, or hundreds, upon peine that everie fuch Maiors, Shiriffes and Bailiffes, Constable, or other officer, by what name soever hee bee called, suffering any persons to beg within the precinct of his or their such iurisdiction, other then is before rehearsed, for every three dayes shall forfeit ten shillings to whomsoever will sue therefore, by bill, information, or action of debt, in any court of record, in which suites no essoine, wager of law nor protection shalbe allowed.

XV. And for the better performance hereof, bee it enacted by the authority aforesayde, that the Maior of the Citie of London, and all other Maiors, Bailifs, Shirifs, Constables, and other head officers of everie Citie, and Towne corporate, doe with all convenient speed by themselves, or by their sufficient deputies by them appointed, before the feast of the Purification next comming; and so from time to time, every moneth once, make a view and examination of aged, impotent, and lame persons and beggers, as be within the precinct of their jurisdiction, and see all such as were not borne, nor hath beene for the most part conversant and abiding there by the space of three yeeres complete, conveied on horsebacke, cart, or chariot, or otherwise, as shall seeme by their discretions to the next Constables, & they to convey the same to the next Constables, and so from Constables to Constables, till the saide persons be brought to the place where they were borne or most conversant and abiding, as is aforesaid, there to bee provided for, kept, and nourished of almes, as is aforesaid, upon the peine that every such Maior, Shiriffe, or Constable, Headborough, or Head officer, not making view, nor fending or conveying away, not receiving or not providing, as is before appointed, according to the true purport or meaning of this act, to forfeit for every such default lx. shillings, whereof the one halfe to be to the Kings use, the other to the partie that will sue therefore in any of the Kings courts of Record, by bill, information, or action of debts, in the which suites no essoine, wager of law, nor protection shalbe allowed.

XVI. Provided alwaies, that if any of the said aged, maimed, or impotent perons of the Cities, Townes, or Villages where they were borne in, or had their most abiding, as is aforesaid, bee not so lame or impotent, but that they may worke in some manner of worke, that then such Citie, Towne, Parish, or Village, doe eyther in common provide some such worke for them as they might bee occupied in, or appoint them to such as will finde them worke for meat and drinke. And if they refuse of wilfulnesse and stubbonensse to worke, or doe runne away and beg in other places, then to punish the same according to their discretions, with chaining, beating, or otherwise, as shall seeme to them convenient. And for the more furtherance of the reliefe of such as are in unsained miserie, and to whom charitie ought to be extended: Bee it enacted by authoritie aforesayde, that everie Sunday and Holiday after the reading of the Gospell of the day, the Curate of everie Parish doe make (according to such talent as God hath given him) a godly and briefe exhortation to his Parishoners, moving and exciting them to remember the poore people, and the dutie of Christian charitie, in relieving of them which be their brethren in Christ, borne in the same Parish, and needing their helpe.

XVII. Provided alwaies, that if it shall chance any such adiudged apprentice, servant, or slave, as is before rehearsed, to have inheritance descended unto him or hir, or any other waies by the Lawes of this Realme, Ward, or Bondman, or Neise of bloud, by, or from any of his auncestors, to any person or persons, that then it shalbe lawfull to any such person or persons, to whom any such Ward, Bondman, or Neise shall apperteine, to take and seise such Wards, Bondmen, or Neises, and them to returne and keepe as their Wards, Bondmen, or Neises. And the said Wards, Bondmen, and Neises shalbe discharged of the said slavery or other servitude or bondage above rehearsed: this statute or any thing therein conteined to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding.

XVIII. And also be it enacted, that if any such servant, apprentice, slave, or slaves, which shall have at any time thereafter any advancement or living, accrue, come, or growe unto him, or any of them, whereby hee or they may have a convenient living, that then and from thenceforth hee or they so being avuanced, to bee discharged of their slaverie, servitude and bondage: this Act or any thing therein conteined to the contrarie in any wise notwithstanding. And if any woman being a servant apprentice, or