Page:Russian Literature - A Study Outline.djvu/10

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O CONTENTS IX. LEO NIKOLAEVICH TOLSTOY, 1828-1916 (Continued) 1. Tolstoy the Literary Artist 28 2. Tolstoy as Seen in His Writings 28 X. LEO NIKOLAEVICH TOLSTOY, 1828-1910 (Continued) 1. Tolstoy's Two Greatest Novels 29 2. His Lesser Novels and Short Stories. . . 29 XI. FEODOR MIKHAYLOVICH DOSTOEVSKI, 1821- 1881 1. Dostoevski the Man 34 2. Dostoevski the Writer 34 XII. DOSTOEVSKI THE NOVELIST 1. His Novels 35 2. His Novels (Continued) 35 XIII. RECENT POETRY, DRAMA, SATIRE AND FIC- TION 1. Poetry, Drama and Satire 38 2. Fiction 39 XIV. SHORT STORY WRITERS 1. Garshin, Kuprin, Sologub and Other Short Stories 41 2. Korolenko and Andreev 42 XV. ANTON PAVLOVICH CHEKHOV (TCHEK- HOFF), 1860-1904 1. Chekhov the Man and Dramatist 45 2. Chekhov the Story-Teller 45 XVI. MAXIM GORKY, PSEUD. (ALEXEI MAXIMO- VICH PYESHKOFF), 1868- 1. Gorky, the Man and Literary Artist 47 2. Gorky the Story-Teller and Dramatist... 47 BIBLIOGRAPHY 50 Recommended Texts 52