Page:Russian Literature - A Study Outline.djvu/50

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46 STUDY OUTLINE ON In the court room. In Wiener. Anthology of Russian litera- ture, v. 2, p. 460-7. References Baring. Landmarks of Russian literature, p. 263-99. Bruckner. Literary history of Russia, p. 533-9. Persky. Contemporary Russian novelists, p. 40-75. Phelps. Essays on Russian novelists, p. 234-47. Kropotkin. Russian literature, p. 308-17; Same. Kropotkin. Ideals and realists in Russian literature, p. 308-17. Waliszewski. History of Russian literature, p. 426-33. Bookman. 16 : 332-3. Dec. '02. Mantle of Tolstoy. Abraham Cahan. Critic. 45 : 318-20. Oct. '04. Anton Chekhov. Christian Brinton. Forum. 28 : 121-4. Sept. '99. Younger Russian writers. A. Cahan. Fortnightly Review. 78: 103-13. July '02; Same. Living Age. 234: 720-32. Sept. 20, '02. Harper's Weekly. 58: 22-3. Dec. 27, '13. Tchekhov's plays. Neith Boyce. Independent. 59 : 299-304. Aug. 10, '05. Personal recollections of Anton Pavlovitch Chekhov. Maxim Gorky. Lippincott's Magazine. 90:363-70. Sept. '12. Chekhov, recorder of lost illusions. Nation. 95 : 492. Nov. 21, '12. Plays by Anton TchekhofT. Review. Nation. 102:419. April 13, '16. Studies of Russian life. J. Ran- ken Towse. New Republic. 3 : 207. June 26, '15. "Cherry orchard." Gertrude Besse King. New Republic. 7: 175. June 17, '16. "The sea gull." New Republic. 7:256-8. July 8, '16. Tchekov's realism. Gertrude Besse King. North American Review. 204:282-91. Aug. '16. Tchekhov and the spirit of the East. Helen McAfee. Quarterly Review. 217:27-9. July '12. Russian stage. George Calderon.