Page:Sacred Books of the East - Volume 1.djvu/385

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First AdhyAya,

i. A'itra GcLirgy&yani 1 , forsooth, wishing to per- form a sacrifice, chose Aruwi (Udd&laka 2 , to be his chief priest). But Aruwi sent his son, .Svetaketu, and said : ' Perform the sacrifice for him/ When Svetaketu 3 had arrived, Altra asked him: 'Son of Gautama 4 , is there a hidden place in the world* where you are able to place me, or is it the other way, and are you going to place me in the world to which ft (that other way) leads 6 ? '

1 It is difficult to determine whether ifitra's name was G&ngyd- yani or Gdrgydya^i. Professor Weber adopted first Gdrgyiyam (Indische Studien I, p. 395), afterwards Gdngyiyani (ibid. II, 395). Professor Cowell adopts G&ngy&yani, but he tells us that the Telugu MS. reads G£rgy£yam throughout, and the other MSS. B, C do so occasionally. The commentator explains G4hgy£yani as the descendant (yuvdpatyam) of G&ngya. I confess a preference for G&rgy&ya»i, because both Gangd and G&hgya are names of rare occurrence in ancient Vedic literature, but I admit that for that very reason the transition of G&ngy£yani into G£rgy&ya«i is perhaps more intelligible than that of G£rgy£yam into G£ngydyani.

  • Cf. Kh. Up. V, 11, 2 ; Brih. Ar. VI, 2, 1.

• Cf. Kh. Up. V, 3 ; VI, 1. * BnU Ar. VI, 2, 4.

B The question put by iTitra ta .Svetaketu is very obscure, and was probably from the first intended to be obscure in its very wording. What iKtra wished to ask we can gather from other passages in the Upanishads, where we see another royal sage, Pra- v&ha«a Gaivali (Kh. Up. V, 3 ; Brih. Ar. VI, 2), enlightening Sveta- ketu on the future life. That future life is reached by two roads;

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