Briceño made for the time being her great object. Impulsive and passionate, deprived of her family and friends, Theresa must needs find some outlet for her warm human feelings. Doña Briceño was agreeable in conversation, winning in manner, and gave Theresa all that love and sympathy which her young heart craved. It was therefore not strange that her plan succeeded. “One of the sisters,” Theresa wrote, “had especial charge of the pupils. She slept in our dormitory, and was with us constantly. Her conversation was charming. I loved to listen to her.” So, little by little, the young girl’s heart was won, and as soon as she found some one upon whom to lavish her love she began to be happy. It was in loving that she was always to find peace. The quiet convent days passed quickly, and she no longer wept for her friends outside the walls. She became accustomed to the regular life, grew attached to the inmates, and, above all, was devoted to the gentle preceptress. Doña Briceño, so soon as she had gained the confidence of the young girl, began to try to arouse her religious
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