Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/197

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error is the so-called intelligence of matter. These opposite symbols never unite in figure or Soul. The straight line finds no abiding-place in a curve, and the curve no adjustment to the straight line.

Matter has no place in Spirit, and Spirit has no place in matter. Truth has no home in error, and error no foothold in Truth. Intelligence cannot pass into non-intelligence and matter, nor can non-intelligence become Spirit. At no point can these opposites mingle or unite. Truly says a humorous poet: —

There is no force, however great,
Can stretch a cord, however fine,
Into a horizontal line,
That shall be accurately straight.

Even though they seem to touch, one is still a curve, and the other remains a straight line.

But what say our theorists? They insist that Life, or God, is one and the same with the so-called life of matter. They speak of both error and Truth as Mind, and of Spirit as both good and evil. They claim as Life organic such life as the senses perceive, the structural life of the tree and material man. Vegetable and animal life they deem the manifestation of the One Life, — that is, God.

This incorrect belief regarding Life detracts from the character or nature of Deity so essentially, that we lose the true sense of God's power in our false estimates of what really manifests Him. Misstating the Divine Principle, or Life, we can no longer practically demonstrate it in length of days, like the patriarchs; nor can we rest in the harmony of Divine Science, any more