Page:Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.djvu/484

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animal growth and organization, — he would have longer continued here to bless the human race.

Natural history is richly endowed by the labors and genius of Agassiz. His discoveries have brought to light important points in so-called embryotic life. The propagation of their species without the male element, by butterfly, bee, and moth, is a discovery corroborative of the Science of Mind; because it shows that the origin and continuance of these insects rest on a Principle apart from material conditions.

The supposition that life germinates in eggs, and must grow to maturity and then decay, is a mistake that will finally give place to higher theories and demonstrations. Creatures of lower organization combine three methods of reproduction, and are supposed to multiply through eggs, buds, and self-division. These lower animals are less sickly in proportion as they have less mortal mind. This shows it to be human belief that makes the sick body.

According to Professor Agassiz, successive generations do not begin with the birth of new individuals, but with the formation of the egg whence these individuals proceed; and we must look upon the egg as the starting-point of the complicated structures we call human. Here his material research culminates in the vague hypotheses that must attend all false systems.

In one instance Agassiz discovers the footsteps leading to Mental Science, and beards the lion of error in its den. Then he drops from his summit, coming down to a belief in the material origin of man; for he virtually confesses that the germ of humanity is not Mind, God, but a circumscribed, non-intelligent, lifeless egg.