"Russia is a nation at bay. Its economic system is controlled by the working class movement, and we consider it our duty to stand by the working classes of Russia."
Bramley sat down. The delegates were cheering. The seconder of the motion took the floor. No sooner had he finished his address than the delegates began shouting "Vote! Vote!" Not a delegate rose to oppose the resolution. The Chairman put the motion and it was carried by acclamation.
On the following day the capitalist press stated that the Chairman had "smothered discussion." The statement was false. If there was one manifestly unanimous action of the delegates during the whole Congress week it was the passing of the Unity Resolution.
A resolution condemning the British banking interests for their activities in preventing the reopening of active trade with Russia and calling upon the Government to apply the Trade Facilities Acts to the Russian markets was carried without discussion.
20. Imperialism
Congress temper showed itself quite clearly in the discussions relating to imperialism. The actions of the MacDonald Government came in for sharp criticism. Contrary to custom, Mr. MacDonald, who sat on the platform during a part of the Congress sessions, was not asked to address the body. His chief defender on the floor, Mr. J. H. Thomas, was overwhelmingly defeated on the only vote that really tested the position of the Congress on the imperialism issue.
Four resolutions dealing with various phases of imperialism were presented to Congress. All were passed.
Instructions to the General Council to "consider the advisability of sending delegates to visit India, China, Egypt, and investigate the conditions of labour of the natives of those countries with a view to recommending how best the Trades Union Congress can assist those workers in Trade Union organization," were contained in a resolution that was agreed to without debate.
With unanimity also, the Congress passed a resolution instructing the General Council "to at once get into touch with the organised workers' political bodies, with a view to doing everything possible to put a stop to the murderous crimes being perpetrated against our working class Chinese comrades who are struggling to improve their horrible working conditions."
This Congress "also protests in the strongest possible language the use of British armed forces as strikebreakers in the interests