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of difficulties quite above their ſtrength, difficulties when they look to as a Worm to a mountain before it. 2. Cor I, 8 For we would not, Brethren, have you ignorant of our trouble which came to us in ſia, that we were preſſed out of meaſure, above ſtrength, inſomuch that we deſpaired even of life. However firm the way to hell be, the way to heaven will be a mountainous way in the experience of all that travel it: They will never want mountains in the way till they come to the hill of God.

Secondly: They muſt not go about the mountains in their ways, threshing the difficulties which God calls them to; but they must make their way over them, threſhing them down: Mic iv, 13 Ariſe and threſh, O daughters of Zion: for I will make thine horn iron, and thy bow braſs and thou ſhalt beat in peices many people. If they offer to go about one mountain they will be ſure to meet with a higher one in their about-gate; Peter tried it, in denying his Maſter, and found it ſo encountering another as high above the former, as the anger of God is above that of the creature, and which was like to cruſh him. Matt xxv 75: 'He went out and wept bitterly.'

Thirdly Therefore Worm Jacob falls a threſhing mountains, combatting the difficulties the Lord lays in his way. He puts on a brow for a bangon and resolutely beſtires his weak hands and feet threſhing forward (illegible text) Ge xxxii. 26 Matt xi. 22. For there is a ſpirit in Worm Jacob more daring and venturous than ever was in any unbelieving hero, a ſpirit for threſhing of mountains while they did but ſcatter Mole-hills. Numb xiv, 24. Prov xvi, 32.

Fourth. They continue the combating of difficulties reſolutely and patiently. Threſhing is a continued action, conſiſting of repeating ſtrokes: it takes ſome time to threſh a ſheath, how much more to threſh a mountain. It is the ruin of many that they are not able to endure. If a ſtroke or two would do the buſineſs, they would bring their matters to a good account