Page:Shakespeare’s Plays, v.3 (playswithhislife03shakuoft).djvu/39

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Mer. Farewell, ancient lady ; farewell, lady, lady, lady. ^Exeunt Mkrcutio and Bknvolio.

Nurse. Marry, farewell! — I pray you, sir, what saucy merchant was this, that was so full of his ropery

Rom. A gentleman, nurse, that loves to hear himself talk ; and w'ill speak more in a minute, than he will stand to in a month.

Nurse. An 'a speak any thing against me, V take him down, an 'a were lustier than he Ls, and twenty such Jacks ; and if I cannot, I'll find those that shall. Scui-vy knave ! I am none of his flirt- gills ; I am none of his skains-mates. — And thou must stand by, too, and suifer eveiy knave to use me at his pleasure ?

Pet. I saw no man use you at his pleasure ; if I had, my weapon should quickly have been out, I warrant you. I dare draw as soon as another man, if I see occasion in a good quarrel, and the law on my side.

Nurse. Now, afore God, I am so vexed, that every ])art about me quivers. — Scurvy knave I — Pray you, sir, a word ; and as I told you, my young lady bade me inquire you out : what she bid me say, I will keep to myself; but first let me tell ye, if ye should lead her in a fool's paradise, as they say, it were a very gross kind of behaviour, as they say, for the gentlewoman is young; and, therefore, if you should deal double with her, ti-uly, it were an ill thing to be offered to any gentlewoman, and very weak dealing.

Rom. Nurse, commend me to thy lady and mis- tress. I protest unto thee, —

Nurse. Good heart I and, i' faith, I will tell her as much. Lord, lord ! she will be a joyful woman. ^ Rom. What wilt thou tell her, nurse ? thou dost not mark me.

Nurse. I will tell her, sir, — that you do protest ; which, as I take it, is a gentlemanlike offer.

Rom. B id her devise some means to come to shrift This afternoon ;

And there she shall at friar Laurence' cell Be shriv'd, and married. Here is for thy pains.

Nurse. No, truly, sir; not a penny.

Rom. Go to, I say, you shall.

Nurse. This afternoon, sir ? well, she shall be there.