Page:Shakespeare Collection of Poems.djvu/23

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Or like a Nymph, with long dishevel'd hair,
Dance on the sands, and yet no footing seen.
Love is a spirit all compact of Fire,
Not gross to sink, but light, and will aspire.

Witness this primrose bank whereon I lye,
The forceless flowers like sturdy trees support me:
Two strengthless Doves will draw me through the sky
From morn till night, even where I list to sport me.
Is love so light, sweet Boy, and may it be
That thou shouldst think it heavy unto thee.

Is thine own heart to thine own face affected?
Can thy right hand seize love upon thy left?
Then wooe thy self, be of thy self rejected,
Steal thine own freedom, and complain on theft.
Narcissus so himself, himself forsook,
And dyed to kiss his shadow in the Brook.

Torches are made to light, Jewels to wear,
Dainties to taste, fresh beauty for the use,
Herbs for their smell, and sappy Plants to bear:
Things growing to themselves are growths abuse,
Seeds spring from seeds, & beauty breedeth beauty,
Thou wert begot, to get it is thy duty.

Upon the Earths increase why shouldst thou feed,
Unless the earth with thy increase be fed?
By Law of Nature thou art bound to breed,
That thine may live when thou thy self art dead:
