Page:Southern Historical Society Papers volume 08.djvu/55

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Battle of Gettysburg—Report of General Doles.

conduct and gallantry of each of these officers on the march and during the engagement around Gettysburg is worthy of emulation.

The company officers and men all did their duty nobly. To Captain Pryor, Twelfth Georgia; Captain Reese, Forty-fourth Georgia; Lieutenant Stephens, Fourth Georgia; Lieutenant Wilder, Twenty-first, who were in command of the sharpshooters of the brigade, too much praise cannot be awarded.

To Captain F. T. Snead, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieutenant C. A. Hawkins, Aid-de-Camp, and C. T. Furlow, of my staff, I am under obligations for valuable services rendered.

I have the honor to report and return one flag captured by the Twelfth Georgia. We lost no colors.

The brigade went into action with 131 office and 1,238 enlisted men; total, 1,369.

List of Casualties.

Fourth Georgia... 2 3 7 26 7 Killed... 24
Twelfth Georgia... ... 2 4 33 10 Wounded... 124
Twenty-first Georgia... ... ... 1 11 5 Missing... 31
Forty-fourth Georgia... ... 6 10 43 9 Total... 179
Total... 2 11 22 113 31  

Brigade field and staff killed and wounded, none.

Respectfully submitted.

George Doles, Brigadier-General.

Supplemental Report.

Headquarters Doles' Brigade, July 9th, 1863.

Major—As an appendix to my official report of the battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, July 1st to 4th, 1863, I respectfully submit the following: While my command was advancing against the enemy on the evening of July 1st, 1863, my line was subjected to