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me not, O Heart of the tenderest of mothers, but be henceforth my protector and my model to the hour of my death. Amen.


O HEART of Mary, I offer, I consecrate to thee my heart. It never can be out of danger whilst at my own disposal; never secure but in thy hands. Thou shalt ever be the object of my veneration, love, and confidence; I will pay thee my devotions every day; I will celebrate thy feasts with joy; I will proclaim thy greatness and thy goodness without ceasing; I will neglect no means of obtaining thee the honor and the homage which are due to thee; I will bring all the thoughts and affections of my heart into conformity with thine; and I will make it my duty to imitate thy virtues, especially thy purity and thy humility.

Vouchsafe, O Mary, to open to me thy Heart, and to receive me therein, in union with all thy dear and faithful children. Obtain for me the grace I need to imitate thee, as thou hast imitated Jesus Christ; succor me in all dangers, console me in all afflictions, and teach me how to make a holy use of all the goods and ills of life. Amen.


O HEART of Mary, ever Virgin; O Heart, the holiest, the purest, the most perfect, that the Almighty hath formed in any creature; O Heart, full of grace and sweetness, throne of love and mercy, image of the adorable Heart of Jesus, that didst love God more than all the seraphim, that didst procure more glory to the most holy Trinity than all the saints together, that didst endure, for love of us, such bitter