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Page:Stabilizing the dollar, Fisher, 1920.djvu/359

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Violence caused by redistribution of wealth through price fluctuations, 67-68.
Volume of trade, as an element in fluctuation of price levels, 52.

Wages, circular reasoning in regard to prices and, 14-15; adjustment of, after an upward price movement, 55-56; actual lowering of, since 1913, 56; effect on, of period of falling prices, 77-78.
War, effects of, on stabilization plan, 226-228.
Warburg, Paul, suggestion by, concerning use of index number of prices, 172.
War inflation, discussion of, 30-34; extent of, 34-35.
War Labor Board, use of index numbers by, 283.
War prices, discontent caused by, 69-71.
Wars, business crises following, 66.
Weighted average, explanation of, 2-3.
Wholesale prices, faster movement of, than of retail prices, 13-14.
Wicksell, Knut, advocate of regulative use of rate of bank discount, 172.
Williams, Aneurin, proposal in writings of, anticipating stabilization plan, 294.
Wilson, President, address on High Cost of Living by (August 8, 1919), 21.

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