Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1899 American Edition.djvu/1538

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Posen, 580, 660

— province, area and population, 658

— crime, 663

— emigration, 660

— religion, 661 Potenza, 725 Potosi,429 ; town, 430 Potsdam, 660

Povoa de Varzim, 880

Pozarevatz, 989

Pozsony (Pressburg), 391

Prague, 373 ; University, 376

Praia (Cape Yerde Islands), 891

Pree (Siam), 997

Pressburg, 391

Preston, population, 18

Pretoria, 1004

Prince Edward Island, 223, 225, 228

Prince's Island, 890, 891

Principe Island, 890, 891

Prussia, agi"iculture, 666

— area, 658

— army, 665

— births, deaths, and marriages, 660

— books of reference, 6Q7

— breweries, 666

— commerce, 667

— constitution, 654

— debt, 665

— distilleries, 66Q

— educational statistics, 662

— emigi-ation, 660

— expenditure, 664

— finance, 663

— foreigners, 659

— government, 654 local, 657

— instruction, 661

— justice and crime, 663

— king, 652

— kings from 1701, 654

— Landtag, 655

— minerals, 666

— ministry, 656

— population, 658

conjugal condition, 659

— railways, 667

— religion, 661

— revenue, 664

— royal family, 652

— schools, 661

— sugar manufacture, 666 -:- towns, 660

— universities, 662


Prussia, East and West, 658-663

Przemysl, 373

Pskov, 916 ; lake, 961

Puebla, 785, 786

Puerto Cabello, 1138

Puerto Cortes, 712, 713

Puerto Montt, 446

Puerto Plata, 984

Pulo Cambing (Timor), 891

Punakha, 428

Punjab, the, area, population, 129,

— army, 143

— religion, 136

— revenue, 141

— states, 132

— University, 137 Punta Arenas (Chile), 446 Punta Lobos (Peru), 871 Puntarenas (Costa Rica), 482, 484 Pyrgos, 694

Pynnont, 685

QUA Eboe (W. Africa), 209 Quebec, province, 223,225,228 ; town, 223 Queen's College, Belfast, 34

Cork, 34

Galway, 34

Melbourne, 313

Queensland, agriculture, 292, 293

— area, 289

— banks, 295

— births, deaths, and marriages, 290

— books of reference, 295

— commerce, 293

— constitution, 288

— customs valuation, 294

— defence, 292

— emigration, 290

— exports, 293, 294

— finance, 291

— gold, 293

— government, 288, 289

— governor, 288

— immigi'ation, 290

— imports, 293, 294

— instruction, 291

— justice and crime, 291

— mines and minerals, 293

— ministry, 288, 289

— occupations of the people, 290,

— pauperism, 291

— population, 289