Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/1045

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(KlHODOM OF Htnoakt.)

Constitution and Government.

On October 31, 1918, a revolution broke out in Hungary with the object of establishing a Republic and making the country independent of Austria. <>n November 13 King Charles issued a letter of abdication, and on Novem- ber 16, 1918, Hungary was proclaimed an independent Republic (Hungarian People's Republic), of which Count Michael Karolyi became Provisional President. The two Houses of the Legislature wore abolished, and their place taken by a Provisional National Assembly. The Karolyi regime continued until March 22, 1919, when the Count resigned in conse- quence of an Entente note in reference to the boundary between Hungary and Rumania. Count Karolyi's Cabinet was succeeded by a Soviet Government, which proclaimed the dictatorship of the proletariat. An opposition Government was, however, soon set up at Arad and Szeged, which with the assistance of the Rumanian army swept away the Soviet Government, and on August 7, 1919, a National Government was again in the Capital. Elections were held on the basis of universal suHrage in January and February 1920, and as a result a bloc composed of parties of the Right was returned to power. The new Parliament proceeded to elect a Regent who was styled officially ' Protector of the Magyar Republic.'

Regent. — Admiral Nicholas von llorthu. (Elected March 1, 1920).

The Ministry at present (May, 1921), in power was formed on April 14, 1921, as follows : —

Prime Minister. — Count Beth

Minister of Foreign Affairs. — Count Uanffy.

Minister of the Interior. — Conn:

Minister of Finance. — M. Hegedus.

Minister of Agriculture. — M. Szabo.

Minister of Commerce. — M. Hegyeshalmy.

Minister of Public Instruction. — 1 >r. Vass.

Minister of Justice. — M. Tomcsanyi.

Minister of National Defence. — General Plilska.

Minister of Social Welfare. — M. Bcrnolnh.

Minister of Food. — M. Mayer.

On March 23, 1920, a Government Order that Hungary was a Monarchy, that the official style of the Ministry is ' Royal Hungarian Ministry,' that Hungary should be described as a Monarchy in all official documents, and that the Royal Arms were to be adopted again.

II. Local Government.

In Hungary a distinction is observed between communes which are large or small, or may be townships with regular magistrates, and municipalities, which are regarded as communes of a higher order. The communal electoral right is possessed by every male inhabitant over twenty years of age who for two years has paid the State tax. The representative body is composed half of members elected for six years, and half of persons

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