Page:Statesman's Year-Book 1921.djvu/420

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The Local Government Act of 1919 repealed former Acts, but existing regulations remain in force until amended or cancelled. Provision is made for Government endowments to shires of a minimum of 150,000£. annually, payable on general rates. In addition to the ordinary powers exercised, the municipal and shire councils are authoiised to borrow up to 20 per cent, of the unimproved value in municipalities, such loans to be guaranteed by the Government. General rates are charged on the unimproved value of the land, and not on the annual rental. Special local and loan rates may be imposed on the improved or unimproved value at the option of the Council. The rateable value of coal mines is fixed at 50 per cent, of the gross value of the average annual output for the preceding three years, and of other mining properties at 40 per cent, for the tame period. Hospitals, benevolent institutions, public libraries, parks, churches, and unoccupied Crown lands are exempt from taxation. Muni- cipalities which are not entitled to a statutory, endowment under former Acts may, if in necessitous chcumstances, receive endowments. Owners and occupiers of rateable property of annual value not less than 51., whether male or female, unless not naturalised, in any municipality or shire, and paying rates, are entitled to vote for the election of aldermen or councillors, and are qualified for nomination for a civil office.

Area and Population.

The area of New South Wales, inclusive of Loid Howe Island and the Federal' Capital Territory, is estimated at 310,372 square miles. The State is divided into various districts for departmental purposes, the most im- portant division being that into 141 counties.

The population (including aborigines) at five consecutive censuses was : —





Pop. per square mile

Ayerage in- crease percent, per annum.

1871 1881 1891 1901 1911

275,551 411,149 612,562 712,456 859,847

228,430 340,319 519,672 646,677 790,623






1-62 242 3 65 438 5'32


4-1 4-2 1-8 2-0

The estimated population on June 30, 1920, was 2,026,262 (1,021,590 males, 1,004,672 females).

According to the race or origin, percentages were as followsat the census of 1911 (exclusive of aborigines) : — New South Wales, 74*51 ; other Common- wealth States, 9-67; New Zealand, 0*85; English, 7'49 ; Irish, 2*85; Scotch, 1*91; Welsh, 0*27 ; other British subjects, 0*45 ; total British sub- jects, 98*00. Chinese, 0*47 ; German, 45 ; other foreigners, 0*99 ; total foreigners, 1'91. Born a"*; sea, 0*09. Aborigines: — Males, 1,152; females, 860 ; total, 2,012.

According to occupation the number of actual workers (uot including aborigines) was distributed thus at the census of 1911 : —

Professional . . . . . . . . .56,140

Domestic ......... 73,381

Commercial 106,320

Transport and Communication 61,964

Industrial 208,014