Page:Stryker's American Register and Magazine, Volume 6, 1851.djvu/235

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American Obituary.

Commodore Samuel Barron, where he distinguished himself for his nautical skill and scientific seamanship. He served for most of the time till 1807, in which year he commanded the frigate Chesapeake, in her unfortunate encounter with the British frigate Leopard. He was not in active service since that time.

22d. At Burlington, Boone Co., Ky., John Shaver, at the patriarchal age of 116 years.

23d. In Berkeley Co., Ya., Hon. Edward Colston, aged 63, a distinguished citizen. Up to the hour of his death, he apparently enjoyed full health and strength. He had just finished a conversation with one of the members of his family, when he fell from his chair and instantly expired. Col. Colston frequently represented his county in the State Legislature, and he was member of Congress from his district from 1817 to 1819. He was a zealous and consistent church member, and eminently useful in every relation of life, both public and private.

24th. At Philadelphia, Brevet Major Thomas B. Lennard, aged 41, of the corps of Topographical Engineers of the U. S. Army.

30th. At Detroit, Mich., Hon. Elijah J. Roberts, aged about 55. He was a native of Western New York, and bred a printer. While he was still very young he established and edited the "Western Courier," in Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y. Next year he was associated with Major Noah, in conducting the "National Advocate." at New York. In 1828 he took charge of the Rochester "Craftsman," of which he continued editor for several years, during which time he took an active part in opposition to the anti-masonic agitation, which ran high at that time in Western New York. He afterwards removed to Michigan, where he resided till his death. There he held the offices of Adjutant General and Member of the House of Representatives; and at the time of his death, he was a member of the Senate. He discharged the duties of these stations with signal ability and integrity. In politics he belonged to the democratic party, whose views he defended with zeal and talent. In private life he was distinguished for his generosity and courteous demeanor.


5th. At New York, Philip Hone, aged 70, a distinguished philanthropist and politician. Mr. Hone was a native of New York city, and resided there all his life, except during temporary absences in Europe. In early life, along with his brother John,