Page:Stryker's American Register and Magazine, Volume 6, 1851.djvu/406

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American Register and Magazine.

The average duration of life among the English peerage at the age of 20 is 38

In all England at that age the average duration of other lives is 40 years.

In the County of Surrey .... 42 "

In London 36 "

In Liverpool 33 "


The Morgue, or Dead-house of the City of Paris, is the place where the bodies of all persons found dead, are laid, in order to be recognized by their friends or acquaintances. They are mostly suicides, and persons accidentally drowned or murdered. It is remarkable that the number of such persons is nearly constant, from year to year.

The following are the figures for the last two years:—

1850. 1851. Males 254 257 Females 38 52 Newborn infants 26 27 Foetus 46 44 Parts of bodies 7 4 371 384

The suicides in 1850 were 164, and in 1851, 164! In Paris, in 1850, 162 bodies were found in the Seine, and in 1851, 163 were found there. Deaths by hanging were increased the last year disproportionably; but suffocation by charcoal has decreased. Six men shot themselves in 1850, and five in 1851. Women rarely blow out their brains. Men fall out of windows less than they did; but women fall out more. Poisoning has declined; but sudden deaths in the streets from apoplexy, disease of the heart, &c., have notably augmented.


The suicides in all France, including Paris, for the year 1843, are stated in the Revue Médicale to be as follows:—

Whole number 3020 Females (about 24 per cent.) 729 Under sixteen years of age 15 Octogenarians . , , . . . . 20