Page:The Amateur's Greenhouse and Conservatory.djvu/209

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Solanum.—The well known S. jasminoides may be employed to clothe either walls, pillars, or roof. Plant in the border and keep well watered in summer. It may be easily increased by means of cuttings.

Tacsonia.—The species with which this interesting genus is made up are eminently beautiful, but only adapted for large houses. They are strong growers, and unless they can ramble about freely, very few flowers will be the result. Treat them as advised for the Passifloras. The best for the greenhouse are T. Buchanani, T. Van Volxemi, and T. eriantha.

Vitis.—The grape-vine is a princely plant for a greenhouse roof, and one of the easiest to grow and to render fruitful. If a


curiosity in the way of a vine be wanted, you may plant the blue-berried Vitis heterophylla, or the parsley-leaved V. vinifera apiifolia.