Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/106

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TOO American RevGlulion,

4. Then John took his way to the Sande- drim, and rehcarfed all thofe words in the cars of the princes of the provinces.

5. And after three days, the great Sanhe- drim fcnt an anfwcr by y^bn unco the king's deputy; fignifying unto him, that they would do as he defired.

6. And at »a convenient time, they fent three of the princes of the provinces : name- ly, Benjamin^ yohn and Edward;* who v.-ent forth to commune with the king's de- puty; and they went over to a certain iiland, and the deputy communed with them there.

7. Now the princes of the provinces, were fwift to hear, and flow to fpeak; and when any v/ords fell from the mouth of th* chief csptain, they treafured them up in their minds, that they might make a true reporS thereof, to the great Sanhediim.

8; And it came to pafs, that when th;

  • Dr. Franklin, John AJams and Edward Ilutlcdg^*.