Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/137

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American Revolution* 131

1 1. And many of the people of the province of Jerfey were in the battle, and behaved themfelves valiantly : and George^ the chief captain, was in great jeopardy 5 neverthelefs, he received no harm.

13. And the men of Britain fled to a cer- tain building, where children were taught af- ter the perfcd manner of the law cf their fa- thers : moreover they were taught to fpeak in foreign tongues! and to cut curious figures on paper! and there were alfo fome ftar- gazers amongft them! Now the building was called a college.

1 4. And the balls of the deftroying engines fmote againfl: the walls thereof; and the fear o^George^ the chief captain, fell upon the men of Britain, and they came forth, and deliver- ed themfelves up to be captives to the people of the provinces.

15. Now the flain of the men of Britain were about three fcore perfons; and three hundred ip.ea were taken captive.