Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/176

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270 American Revohukn,

ftafF that was in his hand, upon the head ) but Jacob and Peter were not fmitten.

7. Then the captain aad the men journeyed forwards; and the fun was going down when they entered the field of Haddon^ and they abode there that night.

8. And on the morning of the next day, about the time of the cock-crowing, the men of war departed from the field of Haddon^ and palTed along the highway through the province of Jerfey, towards the flrong hold.*

9. And as they came to the borders of Jo- seph, whofe houfe flood by the way fide, lo! Joseph came out to fee the armed men; but he wift not that they were fo nigh at hand.

10. And when he would fain have efcaped and gone into his houfe, one of the armed men called to him in an unknovv-n tongue; bur he underftood him not \ and the man fmote Joseph with a fword fehat he had in his

  • Red Bank.