Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/18

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Chap. LVI. page 335. General Green, with the Americaii Southern army, encamp within a mile of Camden. Lord Rawdon, with nine hundred men, are in Camden— They make a fally upon the American army, and gain the victory.

Chap. LVII. page 342. Cornwallis Is ftrengthened by the royal forces, under Phil- lips and Arnold — Traverfes the country— Is teebly oppofed by the'Aniericans.

Chap. LVIII. page 349. General Wafh- ington puts the American army in motion j and in conjunction with the French forces, marches to York-town. Count, de Graile arrives with the French fleet, at the Chefa- peake. The Britifli under Cornwallis, are clofely invefled, and finally capitulate.

Chap* LIX. pags 3.55. The news of the capture of Cornwallis, arrives in England-— Debates in Parhament.

Chap, LX. page 357. The Independence of the thirteen United States, acknowledged in Europe. Peace is declared.


^HE AMERICAN WAR— A POEM, By the same Author.