Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/197

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American Revolution*


camp, and rehearfed unto them the fame v;ords.

20. And when the barbarians had heaid the tidings; they were all difcomfited, and they all arofe as one man to flte away! for the fear of the hod of Columbia, and the fear of Benedid had fallen upon them!

21. Now when St* Leger heird thereof, he was fore vextd; and he fought to perluade them to tarry with him; but he could not prevail, although he offered them cf the flrong water of Barbadoes to drink; well knowing they loved it even as their own fouls!

22. Furthermore, they reproached him, m- aTmuch as he had told them that if they would follow after the hod of Britain, they fiiould not go forth to the batcle, but (bould be at peace and burn the fweet fcented plane* of the South country, and regale themfclves with the perfumes thereof! Only with their eyes

  • Tobacco.