Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/198

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302 American Revoluilcnl

they fhould behold the rebellious fons of Co- lumbia, fleeing before the ho ft of Britain, even as the ftricken hart fleeth before the hunters!

23. So the hoft fled, and left much fpoil; and the people of the provinces gathered there- of in great abundance.


General Bitrgoyne advances^ sends a detachment to seize the Jlores at Bennington; they are re^ pulsed with vigor ^ and a great part of the dc' tachment cut off.

y^ O W it came to pafs, in the feventeen hundred and feventy-feventh year of the great Foufjder of the Chriftian fed, that the armies of the North moved towards each other; even the army of Britain, under John, whofe fur- name was Biirgoyne; and the hoft of th. peo- ple of the Provinces, under Horatio * a chief captain and fervant to the great Sanhedrim.'

  • General Gates,