Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/23

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American Revolution, m

them be sent to the land, of Columbia, to the people of the provinces, that they may buy thereof, and pay a tribute to the king over and above the price of the merchants.

17. For lo! thy fcrvants hr^ve heard they inhabit a fat land i a land of corn and wine^ that bringeth forth fruit \i\ its season, and where all the fruits of the forefl ^o grow!

lo. And moreover it hath been told thy servants, that they drink out of vessels of gold and vessels of silver! which is not seemly for any lo do except it be the servants of the king, whom he hath set over the realm, and dignined with great honor,

19. And the sayings of the merchantg pleased the king and his nobles; and he commanded that it should be even so as the merchants had desired.

20. Then v/ereall the (lore-houses set open, - and the Indian v/eed w^as bi*ought forth ia chefts mad^3 of the fuvtrec, and ^C?.^. chefts

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