Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/317

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American RevoIuiioTQ


the men rowed the boat to the armed veffel m which Andre had failed from the city.

19. Now when George^ the chief captain, had received the letters, he was aftonifhed; inafmuch, as he had furely believed, that Benedict was a true man, and immoveable as the rock on the fea-fliore 1 For had not the princes of the Provinces dignified him with great honor? inafmuch as he had fhewn him- felf a valiant man in battle.

20. And George the chief captain, appoint* ed a council of his chief men, even the chief captains of the hoft; and the young man, even Andre^ was brought before the council.

21. And when the council queried with him, concerning thofe things whereof he flood accufed, heanfwered with dignity, com- pofure, and truth; his magnanimity did not for fake him, in the hour of extremity.

22. His Judges, charmed with his accom- plifhments, were willing to forget the foe, in the youthful warrior \ they would gladly have