Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/35

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merican Revolution, 29-->

20. And Benjamin arose upon his feet, and he rehearsed to the Sanhedrim all that he had heard and seen in the illand of Britain, and in the great council of the kingdom : and moreover he told them that the chief counsel- lor favoured them not.

21. Now when Benjamin had done speaking in the Sanhedrim, and the council had con- sulted upon the words that fell from his mouthy they took courage, and they set at naught the big swelling words of the lord of the realm of Britain.


General Gage fends a tarty to defiroy the MilU tary Stores at Concord, The frfi Commence^ ment of Hofiilities at Lexington.

ixND it came to pass, that Thomas, cap* tain of the hoft of the king of Britain, prii^
