Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/40

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34 'jimerican Revcluiion.

a man m^ue a rope with tht sand that is on the sea Ihore, which when it is broken will never unite again?

i3. And another lord* said on this wise, are not the people of the provinces like unto the wild roe upon the mountains, that ileeth before the hunters? one man of the army of Britain will chase an hundred, will put ten thousand to flight.

19. And it was so, that the king hearken- ed to the voice of CaQ chief counsellor, and he ordered the captains of the hofl to muiler an army to go to the land of Colun^bia, to subdue the people of the provinces.

20. And the captains haflened to obey the king's command, inasmuch as the lord of Britain was urgent for the business to be doncp and [he soldiers were put into the fnips, with all instruments for war.

21. An^ when the ships were ready, and had taken m their lading, they hoisted up

Lord Sandwic':,