Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/54

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^8 American Revoluiion.

ners of the king of Britain, but he could not prevail.

13. And when the Sanhedrim of the pro- vinces were told that Guy the king's governor, was minded to go againfl: the hold that Ethan and Benedicl had taken, they were troubled in their minds;

14. And they faid, Lo! if we fuffer the governor to eftabUfh himfelf in the hold, the king of Britain will bring againfl us from the North borders, the barbarians of the wilder- nefs and the Canadians, and we fhall be en- vironed round about by the armies of the king, and v/e fhall of a certainty fall before the hod of the king of Britain.

15. Eul let us quit ourfelves like men, and let an army be fent Northv/ard to oppofe the king's governor, and let the captain of the hofl bt commanded to fpeak comfortably to the Ca- nadians \ peradventure they will be a ftrength to the hoit of the people of the provinces, and fight under the banners of Columbia.