Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/58

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j^2 American Revohuion.

and took \ty and found much fpoii therein; and amongfl the fpoil there was found large quantities of the black dufl for the deflroying engines.

I* CLj, And the fpoil and tho, captives were

brought to the camp, and hUntgomery , the chief captain, when he faw the black dufl, commanded that the deflroying engines ihouid be fet to work, and the noife thereof was like the noife of mighty thunders!


St. John's taken — CoL Allen captured and sent to England-— Montgomery Jlaln,

X\ OW when it was told Guy^ the king's governor, that the garrifon were in a great flrait, he gathered together about eight hun- dred men, and he haflened to deliver the gar- rifon from faUing a prey to the hoft of Co- lumbia.

2. And it was ioy that as he was paiTing