Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/59

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American Revolution. r,o

the river, a certain captain, with three hun- dred men, fervants to the Sanhedrim of the provinces, lay in ambufh, and they arofe up^ and fell upon the men who were w^ith thego- veinor, -^nd drove them back again : and che men who lay in ambulli, had their habita- tions in the mountains.

3. Now v^^hen the captain of the garrifon knew that the governor had been foiled in battle, his fpirit funk within him, and he delivered up the hold to Montgomery^ the chief captain, and the foldiers of the garrifon were all m-^de captives.

4. And it was about this time, that Ethan was fent with about four fcore men, to do a certain thing ^ and as he was returning, on his way to the camp, the governor came out again il him;

5. And Ethan and the men who were with him, fought with the governor, but could not prevail 5 and he w^as taken captive, with

E 3