Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/90

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84 American Revolution.

tain, thought to have ended the warfare with Benedl6l; and lo! he looked, and behold the Ihips were departed from thence.

23. Then the mariners hoifled up the an- chors of the fhips, and loofened the fails to the wind, and made all fpeed to purfue after Benedict and the men who were with him ia the fhips.

24. And when the wind fprang up, the fhips moved fwiftly upon the face of the waters, and overtook Benedict in the fhips: Never- thelefs, fome of thofe who v/ere the foremofi:, efcaped to the hold that Ethan and Benedi6l had taken.

25. But BenedlB feeing that the remnant of the fliips could not efcape from falling to the men of Britain, he cad out fear, and pre- pared to fight with Frif)gley the captain of the fhips, if perad venture he could by any means get his men out of the fhips to land.

26. And the battle waxed hot, and conti- nued for the fpacc of two hours, and Beni"