Page:The American Revolution (scriptural style).djvu/98

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Q2 American Re'vduiion,

6j Then they confulted together concerning all things that appertained to the provinc- es^ and they made a decree,* and it was fealed with the fignets of the princes of the provinces.

7. And the writing of the decree was fpread abroad into all lands; and when the hod of Columbia heard thereof, they fhouted with a great (hout.

8. And it was written therein, That the people of the provinces (hould no more ferve the king of Britain; but they Ihould be a peculiar people unto themfeves, and that their law-givers fhould be from amongft their own people. And the bonds betwixt the king and the people were broken, fo the people of the. provinces revolted that day, and ferved the king of Britain no more,

9. Now the number of the foldiers of the king of Britain, who were warring with the people of the provinces, were fifty and five thoufand fighting men^- prepared with all the inftruments for war.

  • Declaration of Independence,