Page:The Annals of the Cakchiquels.djvu/239

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Xeamatal chii, 23. Xe Caka Abah, 139. Xeçuh, 23. Xechibohoy, 84. Xechipeken, 101, 102. Xechituh, 84. Xe la hub, 145, 179. Xepakay, 64. Xepalica, 112. Xepau, 157, 158. Xe pit, 144. Xepoyom, 41, 138. Xerahapit, 77, 97. Xet, 3, 27, 28. Xetocoy, 23. Xe tulul, 144. Xeuh, 23. Xey noh, 112. Xhuꜯuy, 81. Xibalbay, 4, 5. Xiliviztan, 23. Ximbal xuꜭ, 29. Ximox, 88. Xiquitzal, 70, 73. Xit amal Queh, 82, 84, 85. Xitayul Hax, 69. Xivanul, 84. Xivico, 110. Xttamer Çaquentol, 66. Xubabal, 77. Xuchipillan, 173. Xulpit, 19, 20. Xulu ꜭatu, 66. Xumak cham, 95. Xurcah, 3, 29. Xꜫekaꜭuch, 135.

Ꜫalaah, 63, 91. Ꜫaꜫalyx, 77. Ꜫaꜫavitz, 2, etc. Ꜫaꜫxanul, 31, 32. Ꜫekacivan, 77. Ꜫekaꜭuch, 3, 10, 29, 39, 40, 48, 50. Ꜫinona, 63, 66, 91. Ꜫucumatz, 20, 38. Ꜫumarcaah, 70, 71, 82, 90, 146. Ꜫuꜫucot, 41. Ꜫuꜫuchom, 3. Ꜫuꜫu huyu, 77, 94, 97.

Ꜭabouil çivan, 63. Ꜭalalapacay, 33. Ꜭakbatzulu, 35, 37. Ꜭamaꜫekum, 77. Ꜭatu, 88, 119, 125. Ꜭatun, 3. Ꜭaxꜭan, 77, 94, 97. Ꜭeche, 9, 15, 20, 28, 29, 41, 45, 66, 76. Ꜭeletel, 41. Ꜭian, 133, 135. Ꜭicihay, 137. Ꜭikab, 67-72, 74-1 14. Ꜭiria Yyu, 100, 103. Ꜭizꜭab, 84, 85. Ꜭobakil, 3, 11, 26, 61. Ꜭomakaa, 43. Ꜭot balcan, 66. Ꜭoxahil, 3, 21, 26, 61. Ꜭubulahay, 34. Ꜭulavi cochoh, 34. Ꜭulavi ꜭanti, 34. Ꜭhicbal, 112. Ꜭhitibal, 22. Ꜭhixnal, 49, 77. Ꜭhiyoc Queh Ahꜫuꜫ, 66. Ꜭholamaꜫ, 23. Ꜭhooc Tacatic, 95.