Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/465

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1899.] CHRONICLE. 41

10. Belgrade placed in a state of minor siege in consequence of the strong anti-dynastic feeling throughout Servia, and especially in the capital.

— General Giletta di San Giuseppe, the Italian general tried and convicted for espionage on French territory, set at liberty.

— A report drawn up by the Prefect of the Paris police on the Royalist manoeuvres in France published surreptitiously, and caused great sensation.

11. The steamship Paris, which had been abandoned to the salvors, slipped off the rocks, and was subsequently safely towed into Falmouth harbour.

— A pony show — the first held in England— opened at the Crystal Palace with 350 entries, divided into forty-nine classes.

— The Hungarian House of Magnates passed all the Ausgleick bills without amendments.

12. The election for East St. Pancras consequent on the resignation of Mr. R. G. Webster (C), resulted in the return of Mr. T. Wrightson (C.) by 2,610 votes against 2,423 polled by Mr. B. Costelloe (ft.).

— The German Emperor, when promising to the town of Bielefeld in Westphalia a reproduction of the statue of the Great Elector of Brandenburg designed for Berlin, wrote to his old tutor, Dr. Hinz- peter, that "as in my ancestor, so in me there lives the inflexible determination to proceed in the path that has once been recognised as the right one, and to do this in defiance of all opposition. 11

— The British ships Carlisle Castle and City of New York, wrecked on the Australian coast, the former off Rockingham with all hands, twenty-one, and the latter off Rothenest with eleven out of twenty-six on board.

13. The Bank of England raised its rate of discount from 3 to 3$ per cent., the reserve standing at 20,031,4661., or 41| per cent, of the liabilities, and the coin and bullion at 32,220,066/.

— M. Jules Claretie, Director of the Theatre Francais, gave an address at the Lyceum on Shakespeare and Molifere.

— Lord Kelvin resigned the chair of Natural Philosophy in Glasgow University, which he had held for fifty-three years.

— The House of Commons, debating on the Tithe Rent Charge (Rates) Bill, sat until after 4 A.M., but it ultimately passed through the committee stage unaltered.

14. The French national fete passed off quite peaceably in Paris and throughout France, except at Cherbourg, where some noisy demonstra- tions were made. Major Marchand and some of the Senegalese troops who accompanied him took part in the review at Paris and were loudly cheered.


— The Cape Parliament opened by the High Commissioner, Sir red Milner, who made no reference to the political situation.

