Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/571

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1899.] OBITUABY. 147

of Henry Tempest, of Lostock Hall, Lancashire. On the 14th, at Eastbourne, aged 75, F^m™" 1 Sheridan Purcell, author of the " Life of Archbishop Manning," which aroused much angry controversy. Began life as clerk in the General Post Office ; was editor of a Roman Catholic paper which acquired no circulation ; was appointed by Cardinal Manning as his Assistant Secretary, and had the arrange- ment of his private papers. On the 14th, at Richmond, Surrey, aged 74, General Sir Charles George Arbnthnot, G.O.B., son of Right Rev. Alexander Arbuthnot, Bishop of Killaloe. Educated at Rugby and Woolwich Academy ; entered Royal Artillery, 1843 ; served with great distinction and twice wounded in the Crimean Campaign, 1854-5 ; Afghan War, 1878-80 ; the Burmese Expedition, 1887 ; Inspector-General of Artillery, 1883-5; Commander-in-Chief at Bombay, 1886, and at Madras, 1886-91. Married, 1868, Caroline Charlotte, daughter of William Clarke, M.D. On the 15th, at Florence, aged 77, Cardinal Bansa. Originally a Dominican Priest and Missionary in Moussoul, 1850-8; Prior of Santa Maria Novella and Vicar of San Marco, 1860-70; Master of the Sacred Palace, 1883; Archbishop of Florence, 1889; created Cardinal, 1887. On the 15th, at Dover, aged 74, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Le Geyt Bruoe, K.O.B. Educated at King's School, Canterbury, and at Addiscombe College ; entered Bengal Artillery, 1842 ; served in the Gwalior Campaign, 1843-4 ; Sutlej Campaign, 1845 ; Punjab Cam- paign, 1848-9; and Indian Mutiny, including the relief of Lucknow, 1857-8. Married, 1863, Alice, daughter of Dr. Chalmers, of the Bengal Medical Service. On the 16th, at Grosvenor Square, aged 76, Dowager Duchess of Marlborough, Lady Frances Anne Emily Vane-Tempest, daughter of third Marquess of London- derry. Married, 1848, John, seventh Duke of Marlborough. On the 16th, at Bryn, Merionethshire, aged 69, Sir William Roberts, M.D., F.B.S., son of David Roberts, of Mynyddygof, Anglesey. Educated at Mill Hill School and University College, London ; graduated B.A., 1851 ; M.D., 1854 ; Physician to the Manchester Infirmary, 1855-85, and first Professor of Medicine at Viotoria University, Man- chester, 1885-9, when he removed to London, where he held many important posts. Married, 1869, Elizabeth, daughter of Richard Johnson, of Manchester. On the 16th, at Guildford, aged 78, General Sir John Field, K.O.B. Entered the Bengal Army, 1839 ; served with 6th Native Infantry through the Afghan, 1841-2, and Sindh Campaigns, 1843-4; the Indian Mutiny, 1857-8, during whioh his influence kept the regiment loyal; the Abyssinian Expedition, 1867-8, and for his distinguished services was given command of the Pioneer Force in that cam- paign ; Aide-de-camp to the Queen, 1869-79. Married, 1849, Anna, daughter of Rev. A. Faure, D.D., of Cape Town. On the 17th, at Holies Street, Cavendish Square, aged 61, Sir Rose Lambert Price, fourth baronet. Educated at Grosvenor College, Bath; entered the R.M.L.I., 1858; served in the China War, 1857-9, when he was wounded. Married, 1877, Isabella, daughter of John William Tarleton, of Killeigh, King's County; assumed for herself, 1895, the name of Fothergill. On the 17th, at Upper Norwood, aged 75, Sir James Wright, O.B., son of Captain George Wright, of Lawton, Perthshire. Apprenticed to a firm of engineers at Dundee; entered the Admiralty Dockyard, Woolwich, 1845, and was subsequently transferred to Whitehall ; Assistant to Engineer-in-Chief of the Navy, 1860-72 ; Engineer-in-Chief, 1872-87. On the 18th, at Ryde, I.W., aged 76, Bey. John Primatt Maud, son of Rev. S. Maud, Rector of Swainswick. Educated at Westminster School and Christ Church, Oxford; Student of Christ Church, 1842-3 ; joined the Madras Army, 1843 ; served in the Burmese War, 1852, and during the Indian Mutiny, 1857-8 ; retired with rank of Major, 1859 ; entered at Trinity Hall, Cambridge; rowed stroke in the college boat; graduated B.A;, 1862 ; Vicar of Ancaster, Lincolnshire, 1863-94. On the 18th, at Southsea, aged 71, Major-General James Whltaker Barnes, son of Major James Barnes. Born in Cape Colony; served in the Kaffir War, 1846-7; afterwards entered the 78rd Regiment and served in the Kaffir War, 1856, and in the Indian Mutiny, 1857-8 ; commanded 41st Regimental District (Welsh Regiment), 1882-5. On the 19th, at Limerick, aged 66, Michael Hogan, known as " The Bard of Thomond." Born at Limerick in humble circumstances ; was the author of fugitive pieces collected in a volume, "Lays and Legends of Thomond " (1880). On the 20th, at Paris, aged 65, Bdonard Fallleron, an eminent French dramatist. Born at Paris ; began life as a notary's clerk; author of "Le Parasite" (1860), "Le Mur Mitoyen" (1861), "Le Monde ou Ton s'ennuie" (1881), his most successful piece, etc., etc. ; succeeded M. Charles Blanc as Member of the French Academy, 1884. Married, 1861, daughter of M. Buloz, proprietor of the Revue dee Deux Mondes. On the 20th, at London, aged 79, Joseph Wolf, an eminent animal painter, the son of a farmer. Born near Coblenz ; studied at Antwerp ; came to London to illustrate Gray's "Genera of Birds" (1847); he illustrated also "Birds of North-East