Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/587

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1899.] OBITUABY. 163

son of Major J. R. Lumley, H.E.LG.S. Entered the Austrian Army, 1868; served in the Wnrtemberg Hussar Regiment, 1870 ; received a Commission in 1st Hanoverian Uhlan Regiment ; served through the Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1, and received the Iron Cross ; served in the British Army through the Zulu War, 1876-7 ; appointed Queen's Foreign Messenger, 1882. On the 1st, at Great Cotes House, Lincolnshire, aged 68, John Oordeaux, an ornithologist of much repute, son of Rev. John Cordeaux, of Foyton Rectory, Leicestershire. Author of " Birds of the Humber District/' and organised a scheme for the observation of migratory birds through the aid of the lighthouse keepers on the east coast. On the 8rd, at Dartford Heath, Kent, aged 87, William Cracroft Fooks, Q.O., son of T. Broadley Fooks, of Dartford. Called to the Bar at Gray's Inn, 1848; Q.C., 1869; a pro- minent conveyancer and equity draughtsman. Married, 1808, Julia S., widow of E. Christy, of Farringdon. On the 4th, at Beaufort Gardens, London, aged 79, Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Oarew Count de Morel. Entered the Army, 1888; served with 42nd Regiment (Light Infantry) and as Aide-de-camp to General Estoourt through the Crimean Campaign. Married, 1895, Matilda S., daughter of B. Wood, of Long Newton, Wilts, and widow of General Sir Frederick E. Chapman, RE., G.C.B. On the 5th, at Dalen, Norway, aged 64, Thomas Michell, O.B., son of John Michell, of Bodmin. Appointed Secretary and Interpreter to the Russian War prisoners at Lewes, 1855-6; employed in the Admiralty, 1856-60; Translator and Consul, St. Petersburg, 1866-79; Consul-General for Eastern Roumelia, 1879-80 ; for Norway, 1880-97. Married, first, 1864, Elisabeth, daughter of Captain H. Pearson, R.N. ; and second, 1896, Emilie, daughter of James Sanderson and widow of H. Sharpe, of Christiana. On the 5th, at Liberton, Edinburgh, aged 60, Sir David Patrick Chalmers, son of David Chalmers, M.D. Educated at the Edinburgh University and admitted to the Faculty of Advocates ; called to the Scottish Bar, 1860 ; appointed Magistrate at the Gambia, 1867; Gold Coast, 1869; Queen's Advocate of Sierra Leone, 1872; of the Gold Coast, 1874 ; Chief Justice of the Gold Coast, 1876 ; of British Guiana, 1878-98 ; was the compiler of codes of civil and criminal procedure and measures for the abolition of slavery in West Africa. Married, 1878, Janet Alice, daughter of Professor James Lorimer, of Edinburgh. On the 6th, at Frankfurt, aged 81, TassUo yon Heydebrand und der Lasa, a notable chess player. Appointed Attache* to the Prussian Embassy at Vienna, 1845 ; Prussian Minister Resident, Rio de Janeiro, 1852-60 ; at Weimar, 1862-4 ; in the Elbe Duchies, 1864-7 ; author of numerous works on chess playing, ancient and modern, and a constant contri- butor to chess magazines of all countries. On the 7th, at Old Aberdeen, aged 68, David Johnston, D.D. Born at Sunderland ; educated at St. Andrews University and St. Mary Hall, Oxford; ordained Minister at Unst, Shetland, 1865; trans- ferred to Harray and Birsay, Orkney, 1865-98; Professor of Biblical Criticism, Aberdeen University, 1898, from which the University Court attempted to remove him, 1896, but he was able to retain the office until his death. On the 7th, at Glasgow, aged 68, Rev. Alexander Balmaln Bruce, D.D., a distinguished Biblical scholar, much esteemed in the United States and in his own country. Ely Lecturer in the Theological Seminary, New York, 1886-9, when he was appointed Professor of Apologetics in the Free Church College, Glasgow. On the 7th, at Eastbourne, aged 78, James Gammer Noel, C.B., son of Hon. and Rev. Francis J. Noel. On the 8th, at Wimbledon, aged 89, Rev. Thomas Paley, son of Robert Paley, M.D., of Bishopton Grange, Yorkshire, and grandson of Archdeacon Paley. Educated at St. John's College, Cambridge ; B.A., 1888 (twenty-seventh Wrangler) ; Rector of Ufford, Northants, 1847-81. On the 8th, at the Hague, aged 62, Jacob Marls, an eminent Dutch painter. Studied at Antwerp and Paris ; sea pieces and landscapes were his favourite themes. On the 9th, at Beaminster, Dorset, aged 88, Joseph Alfred Hardcastle, son of Alfred Hardcastle, of Hatcham House, Surrey. Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge ; B. A., 1888 (First Class of the Classical Tripos and Senior OpHme); sat as a Liberal for Colchester, 1847-52, and for Bury St. Edmonds, 1857-74 and 1880-5. Married, first, 1840, Frances, daughter of J. Lambirth; and second, 1868, Hon. Mary Scarlett Campbell, daughter of Lord-Chancellor Campbell. On the 9th, at Paris, aged 60, Marshal Mosln Khan Moahlr ed Dowleh, Persian Minister of Foreign Affairs. Successively Persian Envoy to London and Constantinople. On the 10th, near Zinal, Canton Valais, aged 59, Christina Bridge, daughter of Archdeacon J. F. H. Bridge. A distin- guished linguist ; author of " A History of French Literature." She was killed by falling over a precipice. On the 11th, at Paris, aged 94, Remy Leon de Blandos Scarlsbrick, Marquis de Caste ja, Page to Louis XVIII. after the Restoration. Married, 1885, Eliza Margaret Scansbrick, daughter of Sir Thomas Windsor Hunloke (tenth baronet), of Wingesworth Hall, Derby, and niece of Charles
