Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/629

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absolute indifference of the Government of the Republic to the friendly representations which have been made to them on the subject

They still cherish the hope that the publicity given to the present representations of the Outlander population, and the fact of which the Government of the South African Republic must be aware, that they are losing the sympathy of those other States which, like Great Britain are deeply interested in the prosperity of the Transvaal, may induce them to reconsider their policy, and, by redressing the most serious of the grievances now complained of, to remove a standing danger to the peace and prosperity not only of the Republic itself, but also of South Africa generally.

Her Majesty's Government earnestly desire the prosperity of the South African Republic. They have been anxious to avoid any inter- vention in its internal concerns, and they may point out in this con- nection that if they really entertained the design of destroying its independence, which has been attributed to them, no policy could be better calculated to defeat their object than that which, in all friendship and sincerity, they now urge upon the Government of the South African Republic, and which would remove any pretext for interference by relieving British subjects of all just cause of complaint With the earnest hope of arriving at a satisfactory settlement, and as a proof of their desire to maintain cordial relations with the South African Re- public, her Majesty's Government now suggest, for the consideration of President Kruger, that a meeting should be arranged between his Honour and yourself for the purpose of discussing the situation in a conciliatory spirit, and in the hope that you may arrive, in concert with the President, at such an arrangement as her Majesty's Government could accept and recommend to the Outlander population as a reason- able concession to their just demands, and the settlement of the diffi- culties which have threatened the good relations which her Majesty's Government desire should constantly exist between themselves and the Government of the South African Republic.

If the President should be disposed favourably to entertain this suggestion, you are authorised to proceed to Pretoria to confer with him on all the questions raised in this despatch.

Her Majesty's Government desire that the British Agent at Pretoria should communicate a copy of the petition and of this despatch to the Government of the South African Republic, and also communicate a copy of this despatch to the petitioners.

I have the honour to be, Sir,

Your most obedient humble servant,

J. Chamberlain.

C—9J04, issued July 28.


My statement simply laid down the principles on which a scheme of franchise should be based, and I intentionally left myself a certain