Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/647

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The figures between [ ] refer to Pabt I.

ACCIDENTS.— Collibry, St. Helen's, Lancashire, 11 ; Llest coalpit, Pon- tyrhyl, 51. Explosions, Barking, Messrs. Hewett's works, 2; Bourges, 17 ; Bullfinch, torpedo boat, 44 ; Douglas Gasworks, 75; St. Helen's, Lancashire, chlorate factory, 27 ; Hon- ley, Huddersfield, 39; Huy fortress, 21 ; Lagouban naval magazine, Toulon, 14; Marseilles, 16; Netherton, Dudley, 52 ; Refshaleo, military laboratory of, 29; Rochdale Works, 66; Sheffield, 66 ; Victoria 8treet, Westminster, 21. Miscellaneous, Champs Elysees, por- tion of roadway gives way, 73 ; Leut- schistz, 56; Osnaburgh Street, 16; Palace Bridge, St. Petersburg, col- lapses, 30; Pwllheli, N. Wales, boat upset, 38; Stour Valley, canal em- bankment, 56 ; Stratford, Connecticut, 49 ; S'usten Pass, 2 : Traun, Gmunden, 57 ; Valparaiso, 49 ; Waesland Rail- way, landing stage breaks in two, 67 ; Zermatt. 53

Address, debate in the House of Lords, [16], [203]; agreed to, [171, [204k m the House of Commons, [18]

amendments, [19] ; agreed to,"[2S], 64 AFGHANISTAN.— Ambbr Abdurrha- man, relations with Great Britain,

f3511 Viciroy, his frontier policy, 351]. Waziris, punitive measures against, [3511

AFRICA, CENTRAL.— British Cbntral Africa, Chiefs defeated, [3861 Coffee crop, [8861 Trans-African Railway, result, [386]

BAST.— Abyssinia. [381]. British

East Africa, British expeditions, re- sult, [382], 53 ; famine, [382] ; Kenia, Mount, ascended by Mr. J. H. Mac- kinder, 60. German Bast Africa, [381], 66. Madagascar, diplomatic correspondence, [11], 2 ; Gallieni, Gen., his measures, [382] ; Ikongo, rising of natives, [382]; Plague, [3821; ex- Queen of, at Marseilles, [3821 12. Portugubsk Bast Africa, [381]; Bundesrath seized, 76 ; Delagoa Bay, munitions of war, prohibited from landing, 51; Lorenzo Marques, two police officers arrested, 53. Uganda mutineers, band of, dispersed, [3821 ; Mwanga, ex-King, captured, [382], 21 ; railway, [382]. Zanzibar, [381]

AFRICA, SOUTH.— Capb Colony, Baden- Powell, CoL, in command of the garrison in Mafeking, [2191 [370] ; Belmont, battle at, [225], [369], 70; Bills, [368] ; Boers, war with the, ['" 62 ; Budget, [367] ; BuUer, Sir command of the Natal Army, |_ elections, [3671; Gatacre, Gen., operations. [2$0], [369], 73; Graspan, battle at, [225], 13691, 70 ; Kimberley invested, [219], [369], [3701 ; Kitchener, Lord, appointed chief of the staff, [233],

8711, 74 ; Mafeking invested, [2191

'369' , 76 ; armoured train attacked, [869', 62; Magersfontein, battle of, |370 ; Merriman, Mr., on the Budget, 367]; Methuen, Lord, his engage- ments, [226], [369], 71, 78; MUner, Sir A., conference at Bloemfontein,

postage, penny, 54 ; Rhodes, " Mr., elected president of the South African League, 26 ; reception at Cape Town, [367], 43; Roberts, Field-Marshal Lord, appointed commander-in-chief of the forces, [238], [8711, 74 ; Schreiner, Mr., on the Customs Union, [368] ; trade, [8711 ; Wauchope, Gen., killed, [230], [870]. Natal, Beacon Hill, night operation at, [373] ; Budget, [3711 ; Buller, Sir R., attempts to cross the Tugela, [230], [374], 74; Churchill, Mr. W. S., taken prisoner, [3731; escapes, 75 ; Colenso, evacuated, [37o|, 67 ; Dundee,, battle of, [2191, [3721 W; Blandslaagte, battle of, [219], £872]; Glencoe, battle of. [372], 64; Lady- smith invested, [219], [372] ; attack on. [373], 66; Ministry, the new, [372]; Nicholson's Nek, battle of, £219], [873] ; Parliament opened [371] ; Rietfontein, action at, [219], [372] : Roberts, Lieut., mortally wounded, T2331, [374]; Sv- mons, Gen. Sir W. P., mortally wounded. [872]; White, Sir G., in command at Ladysmith, [219], [872] ; Yule, Gen., compelled to retire, [219], £372], 65. Oranob Free Statk, Bloemfontein, martial law proclaimed, £375] ; Boers commence hostilities, 62 ; Steyn, Pres., on the military prepara- tions, [374], 58; his proclamation, [375], 64; Volksraad, proposals for