Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/650

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CHINA, continued.

Pekin, French and Russian guards withdrawn, 21. Railway, Imperial, prospectus issued. [358]. Russians, demands of the, [860], 27. Ta-libn- wan, declared a free port, [3601, 50. Tien-tsin and Ching-kiang Railway, Anglo-German loon contract, [360], 28. Winoate, Capt., reaches Bhamo, 24. Yanotsb-Kiano, obstructions in the, [360], 65. Yellow RiveT, inunda- tions, [3W]

Choatb, Mr., at the Walter 8cott Club, Edinburgh, 68

Civil list pensions granted, 35.

Columbus, Christopher, coffin of, trans- ferred to Seville, 4

Conferences and Congresses.— American Republics, South, Presidents of the, Rio de Janeiro, 50. Australian Pre- miers, Melbourne, 7. Co-operative Societies, Liverpool, 29. Geographical, Berlin, 59. Goodfellows, National Order of, Doncaster, 29. Independent Labour party, Leeds, 20. Indian National, Lucknow, 76. Irish National League, Bradford. [108], 28. Irish Nationalists, 70 ; Dublin, 20. Miners' Federation, Edinburgh, [31, 3 ; Brus- sels, 29. National Liberal Federation, [701, [236], 14, 60, 73. Oddfellows, Independent Society of, Middles- brough, 29. Peace, Christian ia, 47 ; Hague, [107],[ 171], 21. 28, 29, 31, 37, 39, 43, 47, 65. Socialists, Hanover, 63; Leeds, [77] -[80]; Paris, 72. Spanish Catholic, Burgos, 55, 58. Trade Union, Plymouth, [238], 54. Tuberculosis. Berlin, 29. Women, International, London, 37

Connaught, Duke of, appointed Com- mander - in - Chief of the forces in Ireland, 76

Duke and Duchess of, received by the

Pope. 6

County Council, London, election of chair- men, 15; report on the London Government Bill, [80]

CRETE.— Candia, Palace at, British flag hauled down, 45. Canea, Blonay, M. de, financial adviser, 21. Constitu- tion, the new, [821], 4, 24. Mahome- DANfi emigrate, 25

CRICKET.— Australia and England, 31, 34, 38, 43, 50; Australians, close of their season, 55; County Champion- ship, 54 ; Eton and Harrow, 42 ; Eton and Winchester, 36 ; Marlborough and Rugby, 48; Oxford and Cambridge, 89 ; Surrey and Somersetshire, 30

CRIMINAL CA8E&— Ansbll, Mary Ann. executed, 48. Fitzharris, J., and others, released, 52

Cromwell, Oliver, proposed erection of a statue to, 66

Cross unveiled, Kentish martyrs, 33

Crystal Palace, National Co-operative Festival, opened, 50 ; pony show, 41

Curzon, Lord, Governor-General at Cal- cutta, 2

Demonstrations in the Albert Hall, [10], 7 ; Trafalgar Square [198], 59

DENMARK.— Bills, various, [840]. [342]. Budget, [338], [340]. Copenhagen, -Jacobsen, Herr C, presents his art collection to the city, 4. Employers and workmen, agreement between, 54. Law, Report on the reform of the Administration, [342]. Ministry, changes in the, [840], 53. Odensb, meeting at, [3401. Riosdag assembled, [338]; reassembled, [3401 School Bill, [3391. Taxation Bills, [341]

DRAMA, The. — Adaptations, 120 ; comedies, 119, 120, 121 ; comic operas, 121 ; farces, 121 ; melodramas, 120, 121 ; plays, 119, 120 ; revivals, 120

Duels.— Banffy, Baron, and Herr flor- ansky, 1. Mendes, M. C, and M. Vanor, 29

DUFPERIN, Manjuess of, elected Lord Rector of Edinburgh University, 67

Earthquakes.— Aidin, 58; Austria, 8.E., 33 ; Ceram, 60 ; Darjeeling, 59 ; Hun- gary, W., 33 ; Peloponnese, 5 ; Rome, 43 ; Yakutat Bay, 54

ECCLESIASTICAL. — Canterbury and York, Archbishop* of, deputation of laymen, 24 ; hold an Ecclesiastical Court, 26 ; decision, [171], [174], 5, 47, 57 ; Church Association, reply to the English Church Union, 14 ; Church Congress, London. [1761, 62 ; Church, Crisis iu the, [10], [286]; Convoca- tion, Houses of, meeting, [170], 40 English Church Union, meeting, 12,

61 Fisher, Rt. Rev. G. C, appointed

Bishop Suffragan of Ipswich, 2/ Halifax, Lord, on the Archbishops' decision, [175]. Harcourt, Sir W., his letter on the Lambeth decision. [174] London, Bishop of, gives notice of sus- pension to two vicars, 68 St. Paul's Cathedral, decision of the Decorations Committee, 27

EGYPT.— Budget Estimates, (3641 Cath- olic Coptic Church, Patriarch of the, enthroned at Alexandria. 44. Flam- ant, M.. occupies Insalan, 75. Gar- 8TIN, Sir W. E., his report of the Soudan, 17. Ibrahim Ali, at Omdur- man, 25. Judicial reform, [365], 7, 28. Karnak. nine columns of the temple fall uowji. 61. Kitchener, Lord, at Berber, 2ak opens the Atbara bridge, 63 ; return toXJairo, 67. Nils, rise of the, [864], 60. Plague, cases of. in Alexandria, 82. Soudan, administration of the, [12], [3661, 2, 5 ; Khalifa, expedition against, [$66], 12,

to, Si

r., ma victory, low* j, k>, /v

Elcho Challenge Shield, handed to the Lord Mayor, 64

Elections.— Bow and Bromley, 65 ; Clack- mannan and Kinross. 75 ; Edinburgh. South, [1331, 34; East, [183], &! Elland, 14 ; Exeter. 67 ; Harrow, [81], 20 ; Hythe, [69], 13 ; Lanark, J69], 11 Londonderry, 10; Norfolk, [701 16 Oldham, [134], 40 ; Osgoldcross, ^134],