Page:The Annual Register 1899.djvu/658

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OBITUARY, continued.

Schomberg, Major F. S., 156; Sealy, Sir J., 187; Secretan, A., 141; Sefton, Dow. Countess of, 189 ; Selwyn, Rev. A. E., 164; Service, Hon. J., 146; Severne, J. £., 148 ; Seymer. E. C. K., 156 ; Shaw, G. F.. 156 ; SheUey. Lady, 157; Sheraton, Lieut. -Col. J., 172; Siegel, H., 154; Simpson, W., 164; Simsou, M. E. von, lal ; Sinclair, Sir R. C, 151; Sisley, A., 181; Skene, F. M. F., 171 ; Smart, J., 154; Smith, W. B., 138; Smith, Major-Gen. W. H., 186; Somers, Lord, 169; Sophro- nius, His Holiness, 166; Southey, R., 176; South worth, Mrs., 157; Spence, Major-Gen. F., 129; Spink,

F. L., 186; Spinks, T., 180; Spooner, Very Rev. E„ 131 ; Spottiswoode, G. A., 137; Staples, Sir N. A., 142; Stapleton, Sir F. G., 174; Stark, A. C, 177; Starkie, Col. Le G. N., 146; Steble, Lieut.-Col. R. F., 171; Stein- thal, Prof. H., 142; Stevens, J., 146; Stiehle, Gen. von, 177; Stockwell, Major-Gen. C, 156 ; Stokes, Sir R. B., 166; Stork, Prof. K.. 167; Strafford, Earl of, 152; Straus, L., 172; Strauss, J., 154; Struthers, Sir J., 188; Sullivan, Sir E. R., 160; Suther, Gen. W. G. , 160 ; Sviatopolk-Mirsky , Prince, 131; Swanwich, A.. 175; S war brick, S., 130; Sykes, Sir F. H., 130; Symons, Major-Gen., W. P., 169; Syngros, A., 139

Tait, Sir H., 183 ; Tait. L., 155 ; Talbot- Crosbie, W. T., 166; Tankerville, Earl of, 184 ; Teigumonth, Dow. Lady, 168 ; Tennyson, A., 157; Thome, S., 139; Thorne-Thorne, Sir R. , 184 ; Tissaudier, G., 167; Towushend, Marquess, 173; Tozer, Rt. Rev. G. W., 156; Traill, J. C, 136; Travers, Col. E. A., 176; Trench, Hon. P. H. Le P., 148 ; Trent- Stoughtou, Col. H. W. J., 162; Trout- beck, J., 171; Truro, Lord, 141; Tyrwhitt, Major-Gen. E., 160

Vanderbilt, C, 167; Varigny, C. de, 176; Vaughan, H., 178; Vaughan- Hughes, Major E., 165; Verher, Sir E. W., 156; Versmann, H., 160; Vincent, Dow. Lady, 179; Vincent, B., 151; Vogel, Sir J., 142

Wakeman, H. O., 148; Waldeck and Pyrmont, Dow. Countess of, 140; Walden, Dow. Lady H. de, 160; Walden and Seaford, Lord H. de, 175; Walker, Rev. J., 129; Walker, Sir J. R.. 155; Wallace, Major-Gen. H., 154; Wallace, R„ 153; Wallick, Sur.-Major G. C, 144; Walrond, Rev. M. S. A., 144; Warburtou, Col. Sir R„ 148; Watson, Lord, 165; Watson,

G. L., 186; Wauchope, Major-Gen. A. G., 180; Way, Col. G. A., 172; Weizsicken, Prof, von, 164; Weld- Forester, Hon. E. J., 131 ; Welti, E„ 138; Westminster, Duke of, 181; Wharncliffe, Earl of, 152; Wheeler, W. I. de C, 178; White, Vice-Adm. R. D., 160; Wigram, A. M., 171; Wilkinson, J. J. G., 172; Wilkinson, Rev. W., 153; Williams. Rt. Rev. J.,

OBITUARY, continued.

187; Williams, M., 184; Willis, Lieut. -Gen. F. A., 153; Wilson, I., 168; Winchester, Marquess of, 181; Windle, Rev. W., 167; Wolf. J.. 147; Wood, C. C. 176; Wood. J. F.. 142; Woods, Lieut. -Gen. H. G.. 139; Wrangel, Gen. Baron K. F. W. von. 179; Wright. Sir J.. 147; Wright. Rev. W., 161; Wustenfeld. Prof. H. F., 139; Wynford. Lord. 165; Wyn- yard, Major-Gen. H. B. J., 183 Younghusband, Lieut-Gen. C. W., 173.

Old Age Pensions Committee, report, [168], 46

OMAN, Sultan of, cession of a coaling station to the French, [86], 10; re- vokes grant, [37], 11

Orleans, Due d , his appeal to his sup- porters, 7 ; returns to Turin, 12.

Oxford Commemoration, honorary degrees conferred, 35

PARLIAMENT. —Opened, [14], 8. 6a Queen's Speech, [15], [203] ; in the Lords, [15], [203] ; in the Commons,

[16], [204] ; Easter Recess, [77] ; pro- rogued, [170], [2181, 49, 65 ; autumn session dpened, [203]; sitting sus- pended. 28 PARLIAMENTARY SPEECHES. - Address, Ashmead-Bartlett, Sir, [19]; Balfour, Mr. A. J., [.8]; Bedford.

Duk« of [16]; Brodrick, Mr., [191; Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., [181; Grey, Sir E.,[19]; Kiniherley, Lord, [16] ; Salisbury, Lord, [17]

Amendments on, Asquith, Mr.,

[23], [26]; Balfour, Mr. A. J., [241, [25], [26]; Balfour, Mr. G.. [281; Campbell-Bannerman, Sir H., [25], [27]; Goschen, Mr., [24]; Hicks- Beach, Sir M., [26] ; Labouchere, Mr., [25]; MacNeilt, Mr., [26]; Morton. Mr. E. J. C, [231; Murray. Mr. G., [26]; Redmond, Mr. J., [27); Ritchie, Mr. [27]; Walton, Mr. L., [25]; Weir. Mr., [26].

Africa, South, policy in, Ashmead- Bartlett, Sir, [661; Campbell -Banner- Sir H., [158]; Caraperdown.

55], [115], [158]-[161] ; Courtney, Mr., '""ll; Kimberley, Earl of, """*



man, Sir H., [1& ... t Earl of, [56], [154J ; dhamberfain, Mr., 11 ; Courtney .

ilisbury, Lord, [56], [156] ; Selbornei

Earl of, [154] Anglo-Russian agreement with China,

Brodrick. Mr., [103]; Salisbury, Lord,

[102] Army Estimates, Arnold- Foster, Mr.,

[1651; Wyndham. Mr. G. [42H44],

[165] Bishops in the House of Lords, Cecil,

Lord H. , [30], 11 ; Clarke. Sir E. . [30] ; Lewis, Mr. H., [30]; Ret<f [31]; Webster, Sir R.. [31]

[30]; Reld, Sir R.,

Budoet, Courtney, Mr.

Sir H., [86]; Goschen court, Sir W., [86], [9T 8irM..[83K86],[9Q]

[86]; Fo^ Mr., 22;



861, [90]; Hicks-Beach,

Catholic University for Ireland. Bal- four, Mr. A. J., [132]; Dillon, Mr.,

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