Page:The Botany of the Antarctic Voyage.djvu/457

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Falklands, etc.]

Our specimens agree with H. litliopl/ilum, except that their branches are more elongated and the leaves faintly two-nerved at the base. A Brazilian specimen from Raddi corresponds with the H. succedaneum, which is allied to H. molle.

23. Hypnum micans, Wils. ; iii Hook. Brit. Flora, v. 2. p. 83. Engl. Bot. Suppl.

Var. laxiun, foliis secundis pateutibus ellipticis concavis serrulatis enerviis.

Hab. Hermite Island; in moist places in the woods, and on the hills.

Caules semiunciales, prostrati, parce ramosi ; rami graciles. This variety is allied to H. gracile, nobis, but differs in the reticulation of the leaves, and in their margins being recurved at the base.

24. Hypnum amoemm, Hedw., Sp. Muse. p. 292. t. 77. Isothecium amcenum, Brid. Bryol. Univ. vol. ii. p. 382.

Hab. Hermite Island ; on wet rocks by streams of water, generally in woods, growing in patches, rare in fruit.

Allied on the one hand to H. tenidrostre, Hook. (Muse. Brit.), and on the other toiZ". leptorhynchmn, Schwaeo-r. From the first of these it differs in the longer more attenuated circinate leaves ; from the latter in its larger size and in the elliptical shape of the lower part of the leaf, which is not reflexed at the margin. The operculum, as in those species, has a long slender beak and is somewhat longer than the capsule.

25. Hypnum leptorhyncAwn, Brid.; Schaegr. Sugpl. I. v. 2. p. 295. t. 93. El. Antarct. pt. 1. p. 140.

Hab. Hermite Island ; very common on the rocks and banks, and on trunks of trees, taking the place of H. cupressiforme, which, strange to say, has not hitherto been found in any part of Fuegia or the Falkland Islands.


a. Foliis marginal is enerviis.

1. Hookeria apiculata, Hook. fil. et Wils. ; caule compresso subrarnoso, foliis distiche imbricatis rotundatis apiculatis marginatis enerviis siccitate undulatis, seta scabriuscula, capsula cernua, calyptra pilosa. (Tab. CLV. fig. VI.)

Hab. Hermite Island ; on moist shady rocks near the sea (barren), forming green tufts.

Caules steriles unciales, erecti, densius caaspitosi, parce ramosi, inferne radiculis nigris obsiti, ramis erectis compressis; fertiles procumbentes, hmniles, vix semiunciales. Folia laxe imbricata, lateralis patentia, caetera appressa, rotundato-ovata, apiculata, rigidiuscula, marginata, enervia, siccitate paulo undulata, apice subinde denticulata, ai'eolis majuscuhs hexagonis ; perichsetialia erecta, minora, ovato-lanceolata, acuta. Seta scabriuscula, 2-3 lin. longa, flexuosa. Capsula cernua vel horizontals, ovata, subapophysata. Operculum basi hemisphasrico-conicum, rostratum, capsida paulo brevius, rostro recto. Calyptra, parva, pilosa, albida. Florescentia dioica.

Allied to Hookeria asplenioides, Schwaegr., but smaller, and having the margin of the leaves thickened and undulated when dry. Described from fertile specimens, gathered on the bark of trees, in Tasmania, by Mr. Gunn.

Plate CLV. Fig. VI. — 1, tuft of the natural size ; 2 and 3, leaves : — magnified.

b. Foliis marginatis evanidinerviis.

2. Hookeria Bicksoni, Hook, in Brewst. Erfinb. Journ. of Science, vol. 2. p. 226.