Page:The Carcanet.djvu/128

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High the bliss that waits on wedded love,
Best, purest emblem of the bliss above I
To draw new raptures from another's joy;
To share each grief, and half its sting destroy;
Of one fond heart to be the slave and lord,
Bless and be bless'd, adore and be aJor'd;
To own the link of soul, the chain of mind,
Sublimest friendship, passion most refined;
Passion, to life's last evening hour still warm,
And friendship, brightest in the darkest storm—
Lives there, but would, for blessings so divine,
The crowded haram's sullen joys resign ?

An injury sharpened by an insult, be it to whom it will, makes every man of sentiment a party.

How sleep the brave, who sink to rest
By all their country's wishes blest ?
When spring, with dewy fingers cold,
Returns to deck their hallow'd mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter sod,
Than fancy's feet have ever trod.

By fairy hands their knell is rung,
By forms unseen their dirge is sung;
There honour comes, a pilgrim grey,
To bless the turf, that wraps their clay:
And freedom shall awhile repair
To dwell, a weeping hermit, there.