Page:The Carcanet.djvu/189

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"Britannia rules the waves !" O vain and impious boast! Go mark, presumptuous slaves, Where he, who sinks or saves, Scars the sands, with countless graves Ilouml your coast.

Thomas Sheridan.

It generally happens that when men of small ambition are very early distinguished by the voice of fame, their thirst of honour is soon quenched, and their desires satiated; whereas deep and solid minds are improved and brightened by marks of distinction which serve as a brisk gale to drive them forward in the pursuit of glory. They do not so much think that they have received a reward, aa they have given a pledge, which would make them blush to fall short of the expectations of the public, and therefore they endeavour by their actions to excel them.

I LOVE the summer calm; I love

Smooth seas below, blue skies above;

The placid lake—the unruffled stream—

The woods that rest beneath the beam;

I love the deep, deep pause that reigns

At highest noon o'er hills and plains;

And own that summer's gentle rule

Is soothing, soft, and beautiful.

But winter, in its angriest form,

Hath charms—' There's grandeur in the,storm.'